Keep it Secret

Find a secret fight in the Living Towers
deadkid414 翻译
jfsdfgjh 翻译
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这个好难,怎么弄 有一起玩的吗
ch00072818 2015-07-01 15:17
50个living tower都完成了都没有隐藏战斗 求高人指点 在线等 求好友 长时间有效
ch00072818 2015-07-04 23:40
@ch00072818 我就差这个白金,这个得去打金顶塔!在living tower !触发条件有限制,你去youtube查查
taoism1989 2015-07-05 22:01
@taoism1989 墙过不去看不了呀 好郁闷
ch00072818 2015-07-06 13:48
@taoism1989 这周有secret fight
silenttree1994 2015-09-03 14:10
@silenttree1994 哎呀大胸弟太感谢你了,我去playstationtrophiey看了下确实更新了,第六回合打出完美胜利放个大招就行,这杯卡了我快三个月了,晚上开机终于能白了,我通过好友了,留个qq以后一起玩游戏吧
taoism1989 2015-09-03 17:31
@taoism1989 没事,我是看了你发的那个攻略贴我才明白怎么打的,然后也一直在等这个奖杯,最近才终于出来这个隐藏关。看你的奖杯就差这一个,所以想起来赶紧提醒你。
silenttree1994 2015-09-04 12:07
@taoism1989 能加QQ吗,身边实在没人陪我玩
dimitry0104 2016-01-11 10:51
taoism1989 2016-06-10 13:01修改
@taoism1989 完美胜利是需要完胜满血的吗?
james_ahn 2016-07-29 20:28
@james_ahn 必须的,只有无伤外加终结技才能触发
taoism1989 2016-07-29 22:16
@taoism1989 2回合都要无伤吗?还是终结技那回合无伤
james_ahn 2016-07-30 10:37
@james_ahn 任意一回合就好,第一回合打不出无伤就重新选人
taoism1989 2016-07-30 14:02修改
@ch00072818 还玩吗?我新买的,完全看不懂英文
yuxinyue 2018-01-23 12:41
gang20090704 2020-12-15 02:58
这个星球有了 7天 只需要第三关 打出致命 (不需要无伤)
gang20090704 2021-01-12 20:42
搬运了 playstationtrophies.org的原文:
This trophy is only available in some very specific living towers. So far, the only 3 premier towers that works for this trophy are:

Living Tower: Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 1).
Living Tower: Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 2).
Living Tower: Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 3).

There may be other towers in the near future where you can earn this trophy but their schedule is still unknown. Some towers may not have secret fights at all. The requirements to unlock the secret fights in other towers are still a big mystery. As soon as we know the requirements for more towers we will update it here.

Secret fight requirements in Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 1) to unlock the trophy:
Reach the 6th fight in the Tower
You need to perform one Flawless Victory in any round
When you win the match you need to do a Fatality or Brutality
Reptile will show up with the trophy
You don't need to beat him. The trophy will pop just before the fight starts. If you get hit and you can't do a Flawless Victory, just press (Pause) and reselect character to try again. The trophy will still pop as soon as you complete all tasks.

If you are struggling with the Flawless, there are many possible characters to use, for example, you can try with Goro's third variant (Dragon Fangs) and keep spamming this combination: , , , every time.

Secret fight requirements in Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 2) to unlock the trophy: (Thanks to DrDraX)
Reach the 8th fight in the Tower
When you win the match you need to do a Fatality or Brutality
Kitana will show up with the trophy
Secret fight requirements in Premier Tower (Mortal Kombat 3) to unlock the trophy: (Thanks to Tigerz_bone_21 and Oranje)
Reach the 3rd OR 8th fight in the Tower
When you win the match you need to perform a Fatality, Brutality OR Faction Kill
Mileena will show up (in the 3rd match) or Ermac (in the 8th) with the trophy

1:任意轮打无伤一次,每场胜利要用Fatality终结技或 Brutality残暴终结技,第六轮可跳杯
2:使用Fatality终结技或 Brutality残暴终结技,第八轮可跳杯
3:使用Fatality终结技、 Brutality残暴终结技、Factionkill 终结技赢得胜利,第三轮可以跳(推荐)

以上三座Living Tower 随机出现,祝大家好运
aconga_chn 2021-09-30 11:16
本周变幻之塔:Mortal Kombat 1
推荐:D'Vorah默认形态,用→, △, △, ⚪连招无脑屈,如果被打了直接options-选角色再选一次这个人还是第六个对手,直到第一回合或者第二回合无伤打空血槽,并第二回合F或B终结就能遇到秘密决斗。打之前建议备份存档,还有钱可以去抽跳过券,把前五个对手全跳过,直接第六个开打,遇秘密决斗不影响。
sermeric_hk 2021-11-09 14:39
@sermeric_hk 第一回合2小局都无伤胜利并且b终结对手,之后每把都f或b终结对手,但是不出秘密决斗,请问知道是什么原因吗?试了很多次了
vveerrggiill 2021-11-09 17:11
@vveerrggiill 我说的意思是到第六个对手的第一回合无伤,不是第一个对手第一回合无伤,你说的小局的意思就等于我的一个回合(round)
sermeric_hk 2021-11-09 19:29
@sermeric_hk 好的谢谢,上面那个说任意轮打无伤一次…
vveerrggiill 2021-11-09 20:01
@vveerrggiill 他还说每场要F终结呢,有些tips看看就好,根本没验证,我说的方法保证跳杯。
sermeric_hk 2021-11-09 20:08
@sermeric_hk 备份存档是要打第6个敌人之前备份还是从开始打备份呢
porschepl 2021-11-14 08:00
@porschepl 打之前备份,免得用了跳过券
sermeric_hk 2021-11-14 10:04
@sermeric_hk 好的多谢
porschepl 2021-11-14 13:58
本周变幻之塔:Mortal Kombat 3,第一层第三层用了f终结技,第三层用后即跳杯,更省事了。估计第三局用一次终结技就可以了。
youki0510 2022-01-12 14:43
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