Yep. In the most recent update for Friday the 13th the game the platinum trophy has now been made unobtainable. In a recent update in an atempt to fix the server issue they have made it so the complete database has been removed. I.E trophies can no longer be obtained if they take more than a game to obtain. Even thought the servers aren't being shut down until Dec 2024, Gun Media has since made the platinun trophy unobtainable. Which is such a cruel move to announce the game will be shut down in 2 years, and then to make it impossible before most people would be able to finish it. They have emails and twitters if anyone care's to complain. Boycott time.
reddit上也有人说了 好像是所有所需局数>1的杯都解不了(计数器bug
不过没提到制作组摆烂不修 LZ你在哪看的制作组不打算修呀