最近沉迷luna 无法自拔
各大图站找了半天 并没有找到多少luna的图
找了两张wlop的想看看适不适合作cover 结果也不是很理想
最近沉迷luna 无法自拔
各大图站找了半天 并没有找到多少luna的图
找了两张wlop的想看看适不适合作cover 结果也不是很理想
@luna_noire 这里有个luna,并且他擅长发图
@luna_noire 这里有个luna,并且他擅长发图
@ioioioio6123 恶灵退散
@yanranps 这个是wlop画的吧?去pixiv搜wlop的个人主页看看?
@tcsww_one @gate-of-promise 我这图就是1600*948的,但实际大小就只有150k。wlop在patreon会给赞助者放出4k原画和原速绘制视频,费用高昂并且随机放出,我其实是想要那个。贴吧和淘宝都在找,不过至今无果
@yanranps 放弃那个luna,来小马神教吧~
@ioioioio6123 你奏凯 你奏凯
@ioioioio6123 艹马的汉子你你威武雄壮~
截了段wlop绘制luna的感想,简直跟lz一模一样 have a crush on her!!
I'm not very familiar with Luna(I haven't played the game or watch the movie yet), still not sure about her personality, so I just can't put too much personal emotion in the fanart, the painting is mainly referenced from the trailer. But I have to say I had a crush on Luna when I first saw her in the trailer, she looks delicate and gorgeous, yet still has so much toughness in her eyes! She may become my new favorite character in FF series.
I'm not very familiar with Luna(I haven't played the game or watch the movie yet), still not sure about her personality, so I just can't put too much personal emotion in the fanart, the painting is mainly referenced from the trailer. But I have to say I had a crush on Luna when I first saw her in the trailer, she looks delicate and gorgeous, yet still has so much toughness in her eyes! She may become my new favorite character in FF series.
@renol86892981 求大图
@fatpot1988 ```新浪图床居然会压缩··传了另一个图床·不过PS4截图原大小也就240K··不过用来做笔记本桌面刚刚好
@renol86892981 设置里可以换成png格式,cg能再生吗
@yanranps CG应该不能重播吧··我之前翻了下并没有这个选项的
@renol86892981 用来做桌面会不会太悲伤了
@fatpot1988 反正我已经钦定了第二个彩蛋才是真·结局了
@renol86892981 求彩蛋触发方式
@shawn1220881847 ……两次职员表后各一个啊……职员表还能略过
@chia7_jp 哦 这是有意女装的意思吗
@renol86892981 最后彩蛋小田田用来安慰玩家的,不然他会被玩家提刀砍死
@majo-homulilly 但每个人物都是以他的画风完美还原啊