If you visit the beta forums (that should have been linked when you received the update code) they state that you will be able to upgrade to 5.00 beta 6 (when it is released) directly from 5.00 beta 5, to avoid some difficulties that arise when "downgrading" to 4.74. They did mention, however, if you download the 4.74 update you do will be able to upgrade back to 5.00 beta 6, just not beta 5. Just know that downloading and installing 4.74 while you are on 5.00 beta will reset your home screen, and other small nuances, that you wont see if you upgrade directly to 5.00 beta 6 from beta 5, but again, beta 6 is not out yet.
看到这个的时候我已经手贱点了 4.74 固件安装,于是现在升不回 beta 5 了,之前调过的快捷菜单也变回去了。只能等 beta 6 更新