突然收到Bloodstained官方论坛的邮件,大概就是求1000赞然后换封面画风的样子?第一张是Mana画风,第二张是Natsume画风,然而我不知道这两人是谁了,顺便求告知! 和我一样喜欢ARPG恶魔城的朋友,不妨点下出处的论坛地址注册、点赞咯,这个原帖的本意就是要凑满人的... “This is important, so listen up! Mana is the Communication Manager at ArtPlay which means she can't just walk up to IGA and say, "Hey, the fans really like my stuff, you should make me more involved in art." It's not her style to be so bold, and it would be obviously bias coming from her. THAT'S WHY WE NEED YOU. Big enough numbers will be communicated with evidence that it's we the fans asking. The polls on this forum require a registration, so it's not a small amount of people voting multiple times. We have integrity. (字数限制了...