Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom distinguishes itself from its predecessor by layering fast-paced, real-time combat and an engaging kingdom building system atop more traditional RPG systems and quests. It’s a shame it delivers so few truly memorable characters and restricts so much of its storytelling to text on screen, but by the end of Ni No Kuni 2 the broader themes certainly resonate and the 40+ hour journey has been well worth it.
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom distinguishes itself from its predecessor by layering fast-paced, real-time combat and an engaging kingdom building system atop more traditional RPG systems and quests. It’s a shame it delivers so few truly memorable characters and restricts so much of its storytelling to text on screen, but by the end of Ni No Kuni 2 the broader themes certainly resonate and the 40+ hour journey has been well worth it.
@makisama_ 这周评的机战X 33分,秋之回忆8 32分
@youngjetzhao 机战v,34分我觉得还行。那么机战x算是稳了。
@makisama_ 我还以为你说的是36分的安布雷拉军团
@alert_boy 意思是有中文就96咯
@zyt133123132 但是日限会很便宜
@markarlos 有中文100
@lcflove2 GAMA还是先观望吧,这次好像毛区SUB是独立出来的,双锁首发就没意义了
@vikingyeah 我有朋友为这个游戏买了PS4就因为这游戏的日版男主是西岛秀俊配的音...她是西岛秀俊的迷妹...
@yeunggunleon polygon给吃鸡打了10分满分,给TLOU打的7.5。。。还是信自己算了
@verlas_yam-l 锁激活 不锁运行好像,语言可以打补丁
@hanzoshimada-_- 比起IGN,发霉通不是更像个笑话??
@lyx321001 收钱通当然也好不到哪里去.....
@yeunggunleon 玻璃钢还批判P5没有同性恋呢