大表哥线上商店开放 可以氪金条了
@yancc_slimemk2 如果不分服的话,有可能课得了吧,勇士要不要试试
@yancc_slimemk2 可以注册个港服号氪
@youmenjun 分服
@newebird_no4 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈希望这个独角兽从天空摔下来会自己长出翅膀(阿淯天下第一)
@wubs12345 啥时候发放这1000,等不及了想换把枪了hhhhhhh
@wubs12345 我发现我只是买了终极版 都不知道里面有什么怎么领
We are glad to inform you that you can go ahead and purchase Gold in Red Dead Online Beta without worrying about the area as it do not matter for the purchase. Please make sure that you purchase from the account where you have activated the game.
We are glad to inform you that you can go ahead and purchase Gold in Red Dead Online Beta without worrying about the area as it do not matter for the purchase. Please make sure that you purchase from the account where you have activated the game.
@wubs12345 啊,真的有1000刀吗
@sean_hyneman 有的,说从12月21号开始发,而且好像还叠加100,所以是1000+100好像
@greeeen06h 德州扑克一局30刀了解一下(我其实很害怕出现主线剧情一把500那种)
@danielwang008 商店终极版没说送线上美刀吧
@qjs1994 说了,昨天的官推说的,跟第二批 15 金条一起发,预购玩家给 100,特别版和终极版再分别给 100 和 1000。公告里同时还说开放氪金
@qjs1994 说送了,1000+100终极版,100+100特别版,100普通版
@danielwang008 要预购的才有那 100。。像我这种预购了 ps4 黑五又转到 x1x 上玩的就毛都么,只有 15 金条
@l-sh4wnc-l 第二批15金条每个人都有吗
@qjs1994 20 号之前上过 OL 就有,24 号之前送到账户里。我昨天晚上上的时候已经收到了。
Gold Gift: As a thank you for your ongoing support, we are awarding everyone who has played from the Red Dead Online Beta launch through this Thursday, December 20th with a gift of 15 additional gold bars. The awards will begin rolling out today and if you haven’t experienced the Red Dead Online Beta yet, play by Thursday, December 20th for eligibility. All gold bar gifts should be delivered by Monday, December 24th. Keep an eye out for an alert screen when entering the Red Dead Online Beta to confirm the gift.
Gold Gift: As a thank you for your ongoing support, we are awarding everyone who has played from the Red Dead Online Beta launch through this Thursday, December 20th with a gift of 15 additional gold bars. The awards will begin rolling out today and if you haven’t experienced the Red Dead Online Beta yet, play by Thursday, December 20th for eligibility. All gold bar gifts should be delivered by Monday, December 24th. Keep an eye out for an alert screen when entering the Red Dead Online Beta to confirm the gift.
@l-sh4wnc-l 哈哈哈哈哈哈好惨
@l-sh4wnc-l 谢谢 刚上去看看也收到了
@qjs1994 1000刀是不是还没开始发
@chuhai88 温馨提示:马厩都可以用金块开放,500刀那栏对应20金条,750刀的最后一栏对应35刀,还不赶快充值?