@dreamlike-sky 这个是奥德赛的创意总监说的
Yes, there will be a canon [story, which is] represented by the novel. It features Kassandra and her journey. But in the game you decide your path, there is no right or wrong way.
育碧应该是不想得罪某些玩家 不得不搞了双主角 游戏封面也用的是Alexios宣传 但在官方小说里就只有一个主角
Yes, there will be a canon [story, which is] represented by the novel. It features Kassandra and her journey. But in the game you decide your path, there is no right or wrong way.
育碧应该是不想得罪某些玩家 不得不搞了双主角 游戏封面也用的是Alexios宣传 但在官方小说里就只有一个主角