
Platinum - KINGDOM HEARTS III Complete Master - Unlock all other trophies.
微博 微信 sakura_p789cs 2019-01-17 08:32   43回复

Bronze - A New Journey - Begin your brand new adventure.
Bronze - Clash of the Gods - Adventure through Olympus and complete the story.
Bronze - A Wish at Twilight - Adventure through Twilight Town and complete the story.
Bronze - Inseparable Friends - Adventure through Toy Box and complete the story.
Bronze - Happily Ever After - Adventure through the Kingdom of Corona and complete the story.
Bronze - The Power of Laughter - Adventure through Monstropolis and complete the story.
Bronze - An Act of True Love - Adventure through Arendelle and complete the story.
Bronze - Way of the Pirate - Adventure through The Caribbean and complete the story.
Bronze - Making a Difference - Adventure through San Fransokyo and complete the story.
Bronze - Home Again - Adventure through the Hundred Acre Wood and complete the story.
Bronze - The Hearts Joined to His - Gather the seven guardians of light.
Bronze - No Matter What - Reunite with Kairi.
Silver - The Battle to End All - Begin the final confrontation with Master Xehanort.
Gold - Another Chapter Closed - Finish the game and view the ending.

Gold - Hidden Kings - Complete the lucky Emblems section of the Gummiphone.
Bronze - Know Thine Enemy - Complete the Adversaries section of the Gummiphone.
Silver - No Stone Unturned - Complete the Treasures section of the Gummiphone.
Silver - Synthesist - Complete the Synthesis section of the Gummiphone.
Bronze - One for the Books - Complete the Game Records section of the Gummiphone.
Bronze - Tall Enough to Ride - use an attraction to defeat enemies for the first time.
Bronze - Heartbound - Use a link to defeat enemies for the first time.
Bronze - Grand Mage - Cast grand magic for the first time.
Bronze - Knight - Defeat 1,000 enemies.
Bronze - Bishop - Defeat 3,000 enemies.
Silver - Rook - Defeat 5,000 enemies.
Silver - Flanmeister - Complete all of the Flantastic Seven missions.
Bronze - Salvager - Use the gummi ship to obtain 20 unique treasures.
Bronze - Stargazer - use the gummi ship to find and photograph all of the constellations.
Gold - Thermosphere - Destroy the Schwarzgeist, menace of the Ocean Between.
Bronze - Centurion - Score at least 12,000,000 pts. in Verum Rex: Beat of Lead.
Bronze - Festive Dancer - Score at least 70,000 pts. in the Festival Dance.
Bronze - Shield Shredder - Score at least 600,000 pts. in Frozen Slider.
Bronze - Datascraper - Get an A rank on both Flash Tracer courses.
Silver - Dreadnought - Fully Power up the Leviathan.
Bronze - True Captain - Sink 200 enemy ships in The Caribbean.
Bronze - Say Cheese! - Snap your first photo.
Bronze - Lasting Memories - Hold on to 50 photos.
Bronze - Cornucopia - Collect every type of ingredient.
Bronze - Full Course - Earn your first "Excellent" while preparing cuisine.
Silver - Master Chef - Earn an "Excellent" while preparing every type of cuisine.
Bronze - Muscle Memory - Get a new high score in one of the Classic Kingdom games.
Silver - Classically Trained - Get a new high score in every Classic Kingdom game.
Bronze - Blademaster - Obtain a Keyblade that is fully powered up.
Silver - Ultima Weapon - Synthesize the Ultima Weapon.
Silver - Leveled Out - Raise Sora to lv 99.
sakura_p789cs 2019-01-17 08:34修改
vengence0417 2019-01-17 08:36
@vengence0417 因为暂时还没中文 新玩家还需要补好多前作剧情
ljc839 2019-01-17 08:37
conansherlock 2019-01-17 08:37
shangshandaye 2019-01-17 08:52修改
@shangshandaye 毕竟王国之心也就是在ps2时代出了几作,ps3后来开始只有各种高清合集
yancc_slimemk2 2019-01-17 08:45修改
@ljc839 我也是新玩家还是闭着眼买kh3
vengence0417 2019-01-17 08:50
@vengence0417 新玩家闭着眼买+1
还买了all in one套装,从头打起..
jinye_miyu 2019-01-17 08:53
@jinye_miyu 反正kh1我是坑了
vengence0417 2019-01-17 08:54
等级 小游戏 收集 暂时就看到这些
steins1101 2019-01-17 09:03
@vengence0417 其实我之前买过HD合集,然而还没开始玩就坑了直接二手卖了。。。
现在买了all in one,十分担心会all in 坑
jinye_miyu 2019-01-17 09:06
@jinye_miyu 信我,绝对坑。先玩儿kh3再决定补不补吧
vengence0417 2019-01-17 09:13
@jinye_miyu 我上个月买了 拆了开个坑 没玩了
sakura_p789cs 2019-01-17 09:15
pluto520 2019-01-17 09:31
qjs1994 2019-01-17 09:33
sakauenachi 2019-01-17 09:35
ltffly 2019-01-17 09:52
youge_bear 2019-01-17 10:10
largeorsmall007 2019-01-17 10:17
@jinye_miyu kh1.5 2.5玩完就可以了 2.5神作
weakchiken 2019-01-17 10:43
plclear 2019-01-17 10:47
whiteriver087 2019-01-17 10:47
@whiteriver087 你说啥呢?我给你安利的还不够你关注的?
vengence0417 2019-01-17 10:48
nevmoo 2019-01-17 10:51
@vengence0417 没玩过前几作,不太关注这一作
whiteriver087 2019-01-17 10:53
@yancc_slimemk2 gba也有吧,没有玩进去
nikezhang 2019-01-17 11:22
jiecaodi 2019-01-17 11:34
kakushi 2019-01-17 11:38
tokinonamida 2019-01-17 11:46
v838monova 2019-01-17 11:57
@nikezhang 对啊 记忆之链,最晚的是PSP的梦中降生,全部都是PS2那个时代出的。
yancc_slimemk2 2019-01-17 11:58
有没有日文列表…… 买了日文版
ubisoft3708 2019-01-17 12:59
wangding123 2019-01-17 22:29
uunniiko 2019-01-17 22:32
znevmoj 2019-01-17 22:40
wz5wz 2019-01-17 23:37修改
saintkuho 2019-01-17 23:22
@yancc_slimemk2 最晚是3ds的DROP DREAM DISTANCE 另外2.8里还有个断章相当于系列DLC
yuri_lily_618 2019-01-17 23:48
@nikezhang GBA的是1和2代之间的故事 ps2上有3d重制 这个其实是系列里最有王道RPG精髓的一代
yuri_lily_618 2019-01-17 23:50
@wangding123 正在等中文的表示陷入了纠结,究竟是断网防剧透,还是看剧透打预防针(新预告看得我生无可恋,仿佛已经看见了大刀结局)
sasafunie 2019-01-18 16:58
@uunniiko 因为有电影呗
lawlist4423 2019-01-18 18:57
@sasafunie 断网不至于,感觉这游戏国内风头会被生化2狂压,不特地查应该都safe吧不过中文真的遥遥无期,给个时间也行啊
wangding123 2019-01-19 00:21