圣歌全奖杯列表已泄露【这次真的屁都看不懂 但是据鬼老说大部分都是剧情任务的样子】
Platinum - Grandmaster - Collect all Trophies.
微博 微信 sakura_p789cs 2019-02-01 13:28   21回复

Gold - No Stone Unturned - Complete all Bastion Collectibles challenges.

Silver - A Royal Favor - Complete Dax's Emerald Abyss story.

Silver - Triple Threat - Complete Matthias's Triple Threat story.

Bronze - Comrades in Arms - Complete Part 1 of Brin's Need to Know story.

Bronze - Military Pursuits - Complete Part 2 of Brin's Need to Know story.

Bronze - Arcanist Mysteries - Complete Matthias's Search for Knowledge story.

Bronze - Scholarly Pursuits - Complete Matthias's Riddles of Raban Maur story.

Bronze - Restoring Glory - Complete Yarrow's Keeping Promises story.

Bronze - Honorable Pursuits - Complete Yarrow's Shallow Grave story.

Silver - Early Warnings - Complete Early Warnings.

Silver - Incursion - Complete Incursion.

Silver - Finding Old Friends - Complete Finding Old Friends.

Silver - The Tomb of General Tarsis - Complete The Tomb of General Tarsis.

Silver - The Fortress of Dawn - Complete The Fortress of Dawn.

Silver - Freelancer Down - Complete Freelancer Down.

Gold - Return to the Heart of Rage - Complete Return to the Heart of Rage.

Bronze - Uncommon Talent - Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an uncommon javelin rarity.

Bronze - Rare Talent - Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a rare javelin rarity.

Bronze - Epic Talent - Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an epic javelin rarity.

Bronze - Master Talent - Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a masterwork javelin rarity.

Bronze - Assault Artisan< - Complete 3 Assault Rifle I Challenges

Bronze - Light Machine Gun Lover - Complete 3 Light Machine Gun I Challenges

Bronze - Born in Battle - Complete 3 Marksman Rifle I Challenges

Bronze - Straight Shooter - Complete 3 Machine Pistol I Challenges

Bronze - Pistol Whipped - Complete 3 Heavy Pistol I Challenges

Bronze - I Call Shotgun - Complete 3 Shotgun I Challenges

Bronze - Sniper Ace - Complete 3 Sniper Rifle I Challenges

Bronze - Cannon Connoisseur - Complete 3 Autocannon I Challenges

Bronze - Grenade Guru - Complete 3 Grenade Launcher I Challenges

Bronze - Arms Merchant - Complete 12 Ranger Gear I Challenges

Bronze - Munitions Maestro - Complete 12 Colossus Gear I Challenges

Bronze - Seal Savant - Complete 12 Storm Gear I Challenges

Bronze - Gadgets Galore - Complete 12 Interceptor Gear I Challenges

Bronze - Explorer: High Road - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in High Road.

Bronze - Explorer: Academy Ruins - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Academy Ruins.

Bronze - Explorer: Monument Watch - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Monument Watch.

Bronze - Explorer: Fortress of Dawn - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Fortress of Dawn.

Bronze - Explorer: Ruins of Shadowmark - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Ruins of Shadowmark.

Bronze - Explorer: Valley of Tarsis - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Valley of Tarsis.

Bronze - Explorer: Great Falls Canyon - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Great Falls Canyon.

Bronze - Explorer: Emerald Abyss - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Emerald Abyss.

Bronze - Explorer: East Gate - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in East Gate.

Bronze - Explorer: Eastern Reach - Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Eastern Reach.

Silver - Freelancer Veteran - Complete tasks to aid the Freelancer cause.

Silver - Arcanist Executor - Complete tasks to aid the Arcanist cause.

Silver - Sentinel Ally - Complete tasks to aid the Sentinel cause.

sakura_p789cs 2019-02-01 13:28修改
cation-m 2019-02-01 14:20
kissnavelhk 2019-02-01 14:23
lv-devil7 2019-02-01 14:40
ppanda_0921 2019-02-01 14:52
qjs1994 2019-02-01 14:57
gaoyang2099 2019-02-01 14:58
conansherlock 2019-02-01 18:33
iroha_1sshiki 2019-02-01 18:37
s_misaka_mikoto 2019-02-01 19:01
@kissnavelhk 如果制品版把这些bug都修复的话,算一款优秀的刷刷刷游戏吗?
yuzantou 2019-02-01 19:08
@yuzantou 抛开这些bug不说,飞行体验不错,4个职业各有优缺点。以刷刷刷来说的话,不能算是优秀,正式版修复bug可以观望的一款游戏,毕竟以ea的尿性迟早打折。当然真香党无所谓的。(没错说的就是我)
kissnavelhk 2019-02-01 20:44
jasonstatham2015 2019-02-01 20:48
rrobinvip 2019-02-01 20:59
@kissnavelhk 我上一个遇见的这么频繁报错还卡能掉音频的游戏是暗黑血统3
rookie_o_t_k 2019-02-01 21:30
@kissnavelhk 音频没了原来是bug么突然失声还以为是机子还是显示屏坏了
gd03d 2019-02-01 21:47
@rookie_o_t_k 如果玩过二,应该发现这个是传统了,二也会卡掉音频
eric_198731 2019-02-01 22:47
不准备首发先观望一阵子,destiny2 有先例
sylvette1990 2019-02-01 22:48
@rookie_o_t_k 这游戏b测就是这么shi
@gd03d 是的没错,就是游戏的bug,我是小队任务失败重新载入的时候突然爆音,然后没声音了
kissnavelhk 2019-02-01 22:55
b测说是远古版本了 各种bug 正式应该会好很多
nimamazhale 2019-02-02 01:04
caishuaige 2019-02-02 01:11