鬼泣5奖杯列表已泄漏 顺便分了个类 类似4一样的奖杯设计
Platinum - Devil May Cry - Unlock all trophies.
微博 微信 sakura_p789cs 2019-02-05 13:30   26回复

Bronze - Let's Rock! - Complete the game on Human mode.
Bronze - Showtime! - Complete the game on Devil Hunter mode.
Bronze - Doing Daddy Proud - Complete the game on Son of Sparda mode.
Silver - Dance with the Devil - Complete the game on Dante Must Die mode.
Silver - Stairway to Heaven - Complete the game on Heaven or Hell mode.
Gold - Highway to Hell - Complete the game on Hell and Hell mode.
Bronze - Fall from Grace - Clear the Prologue Mission.
Bronze - Protect the People - Defeat all enemies in Mission 01.
Bronze - Where the Red Orbs Grow - Collected Red Orbs from an unexpected spot in Mission 02.
Bronze - Reunion - Clear Mission 03.
Bronze - Backroad - Destroy a certain wall in Mission 04.
Bronze - Break a Leg - Fend off a menace from above in Mission 05.
Bronze - End of the Line - Clear Mission 06.
Bronze - Share the Pain - Clear Mission 07 with both Nero and V.
Bronze - Light in the Darkness - Clear Mission 08.
Bronze - Eagle-Eyed - Destroy a certain wall in Mission 09.
Bronze - This Ain't Over - Clear Mission 10.
Bronze - Don't Mess with the Best - Use proper timing to get a leg up in a close-quarters battle against the boss in Mission 11.
Bronze - The Qliphoth - Clear Mission 12.
Bronze - Each In His Own Way - Clear Mission 13 with Nero, V, and Dante.
Bronze - Gotta Hurry - Clear Mission 14.
Bronze - Slick Moves - Proceed with caution and avoid unneeded damage in Mission 15.
Bronze - Obedience Training - Go on the offensive without relying on brute force in the Mission 16 boss battle.
Bronze - Back to Life - Clear Mission 17.
Bronze - Man on a Mission - Clear Mission 18.
Bronze - Battle for the Ages - Clear Missions 19 and 20 without using continues (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).
Bronze - Not Too Shabby - Perform a Stylish Rank S combo.
Bronze - Steppin' up the Style - Perform a Stylish Rank SS combo.
Bronze - Seriously Stylish Slaying! - Perform a Stylish Rank SSS combo.
Silver - Hell of a Hunter - Clear all missions with S rank.
Gold - Worthy of Legend - Clear all missions with S rank on all difficulties except Heaven or Hell.
Silver - Secrets Exposed - Clear all secret missions.
Bronze - Nothing's Impossible - Acquire all of Nero's skills.
Bronze - Be the Legend - Acquire all of Dante's skills.
Bronze - Demon Breeder - Acquire all of V's skills.
Bronze - Physical Perfection - Upgrade your vitality gauge to max.
Bronze - The Devil's Own - Upgrade your Devil Trigger Gauge to max.
Silver - Jackpot! - Collect more than 1,000,000 Red Orbs total.
Bronze - Demon Destroyer - Defeat 1,000 enemies total.
Bronze - Rearm and Repeat - Collect more than 100 Devil Breakers during missions.
Bronze - Dante The Gambler - Use more than 500,000 Red Orbs total with Dr. Faust.
Bronze - The Quick and the Dead - Defeat 5 enemies in 1 second.
Bronze - Who Needs Weapons Anyway? - Clear Mission 11 without equipping a weapon set for Dante (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).
Bronze - Unarmed and Dangerous - Beat Mission 07 without any starting Devil Breakers equipped (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).
Bronze - Pet Protection - Clear Mission 05 without V's demons getting stalemated (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

Gold - Well I'll Be Damned - Wield overwhelming power to exact an unexpected conclusion.
Bronze - I Believe I Can Fly - Rack up a total of 60 minutes in the air by jumping or other means.
Bronze - A New Job - Accept a new job from Morrison after the Red Grave incident.
sakura_p789cs 2019-02-05 13:42修改
vengence0417 2019-02-05 13:46修改
看流程还是只有20关,每关有个类似目标的达成杯。血宫奖杯没有了,因为说是在4月更新,不知道会不会补奖杯。全s只有两个杯了,感觉为了照顾技术不过关的调低了整体获得难度,hell and hell看起来也要全s,要打无伤了
vengence0417 2019-02-05 13:45修改
未知里的I Believe I Can Fly是累积滞空60分钟?
btkid941 2019-02-05 13:45
I Believe I Can Fly
mersang 2019-02-05 13:53
misty1falcon 2019-02-05 14:07
ludwigleon 2019-02-05 14:35
hayate1989 2019-02-05 14:40修改
@hayate1989 hoh敌人都是一下死,打不了s(被dalao更正,原来HOH也能刷S)
ludwigleon 2019-02-06 11:56修改
@hayate1989 鬼泣还要给救济真的过分了
vengence0417 2019-02-05 15:10
Gold - Well I'll Be Damned - Wield overwhelming power to exact an unexpected conclusion.
fred_sanity 2019-02-05 15:55
@vengence0417 游戏图标也一样,干嘛不用主视图,还用官方译名恶魔猎人5
real_outsider 2019-02-05 16:21
@hayate1989 HAH比DMD要简单很多啊
bt_mie 2019-02-05 16:23
wangbinwei 2019-02-05 16:23
@real_outsider 游戏封面出来了么,哪张图?
vengence0417 2019-02-05 16:54
ee7714hanhan 2019-02-05 17:12
@ee7714hanhan 我猜就是3人合计20关左右。每作都差不多这点长度。每人20关,这根本不科学。
yancc_slimemk2 2019-02-05 17:26
@vengence0417 如果你预购了数字版游戏,就去个人隐私设定,设置隐藏游戏中可以看到游戏图标和名称。就一个logo的图
real_outsider 2019-02-05 17:33
@real_outsider 早就预购了,不知道这个功能。
vengence0417 2019-02-05 17:43修改
全是S 手残打不过 不买了 云通关吧
miracle_426 2019-02-05 17:58
@vengence0417 主题也挺丑的,一开始我还挺期待的,主题一切非常完美!就是被上拉那幅图毁了。
real_outsider 2019-02-05 18:40
@yancc_slimemk2 看a9说关卡限定人物,不同人物有不同路线,没太理解感觉好像类似机战那样,大部分关卡三人相同,每个人有几个独占关
ee7714hanhan 2019-02-05 22:44
反正你卡婊的游戏 我一个白金也没有拿过...
genimisaga 2019-02-06 11:17
@hayate1989 血宫是后续DLC……所以……
hico_mushroom 2019-02-06 11:56
wangding123 2019-02-06 14:12

HD合集里 鬼泣1和鬼泣2都是只需要任意难度任意单关拿到S即可。鬼泣3里是任意难度全S即可。玩过的都知道,初代拿S不算坑但对于不熟悉游戏的人比较难。2代则是因为战斗系统的问题导致拿S难度很大。3代的评分机制做得很好但要求稍微严格一点,所以奖杯对应的,比较亲民(PS4版鬼泣3我拿到的第一个奖杯是单关S你敢信?就是一周目开荒M1,武器就大剑双枪然后就S了=-=)


那个I'll be damned的金杯 “在获得无比强大的力量之后达成一个意料之外的结局” 以及那个“从莫里森那接一个新任务”的奖杯
digimoncrusher 2019-02-22 15:26