Stefanie Joosten:
I think it looks amazing. It looks unlike any game I've ever seen. (YongYea: yeah, for sure.) So...em...but I am not involved, so...(YongYea: right.) I'm not sure.
Em...I do want to talk a bit about how I feel, like, Yong, you put out a few videos speculating about my involvement. (YongYea: Yeah.) And...em...I think there has been a lot of confuse...or like, it has been pretty confusing information out there if a lot of people have been asking me if I was involved or not.
And...em...So actually, this was really early on when new Kojima Productions was just founded. Actually Kojima-san contacted me directly. I speak Japanese, so he contacted me. And, he asked me if I was willing to play this character in Death Stranding. He actually sent some really awesome looking concept art from `noticing call within`, and the character description. And...eh...Maybe I should show you guys because otherwise...(Donna: it's a 没听懂.) I know I know.
Is this something I...Would you prefer stay private or what I'd be able to put this up on the video...(Interrupted)
Stefanie Joosten:
No, I don't mind I think. (YongYea: okay) I'm not under any NDA from Kojima Productions. So it was just sent to my phone, so I don't know if you can tell. It's hard to see who's the character. (YongYea: oh, yeah...wow, Fragile.) Right, but obviously I am not casted for this character. (YongYea: yeah, yeah.)
But, anyway, for the early days in the development, for quite a while I was under the impression that I was going to be involved in Death Stranding. And...em...Then there was silence for a bit long time. And, so my management, after like about a year or so, because in the meantime I wasn't going to bother Kojima-san because obviously he's been super busy setting up the new Kojima Productions and...(YongYea: Right.) So my management contacted Kojima Productions, and the answer we got back then was that casting had been finalized, so...that's when I found out I wasn't involved in Death Stranding. (YongYea: Oh, so that's...I see.)
It was all very confusing. So I feel bad for...em...Because I feel like you and the community have been very confused about it, and most people have kind of been expecting me to be involved, but I ended up not being involved. And I think it's just that Kojima-san took a different route, a different approach. he probably want to use a Hollywood actors, and maybe reach a larger audience so, you know. I totally understand and...they are great actors, and so experienced, so...they'll do an amazing job. so I don't want to feel bitter about it. But I just want to put that out there to...clear that out.
Yeah, that's good to know. Because I think a lot of fans they saw, you know, Kojima putting on the hat, and then I think there was an event where they ask you some questions, and you said I can't comment on that, or, you know, you're kind of coil about it. So, a lot of fans were thinking, oh...Stephanie's teasing something here. So I think this helps clarify maybe why some things may have seen one way early on and then nothing, you know. We have started hearing nothing about that theory on the latter half of the...this development cycle. So that's very insightful, I think. Fans will appreciate that and...yeah, thank you for the clarification. (Stefanie Joosten: yeah, I just want to clarify that.)
Yeah, and then, I saw this one character in the trailer, where they showed off Troy Baker's character, the the man in the golden mask, Higgs, as these now known. And it was this character that Norman was caring, and she had like glasses. And, from a side view, I thought it looked just like you, and I thought that's Stephanie.
Stefanie Joosten:
I know. A lot of people have been sending that image to me and...em...yeah. Even I thought she looked like me. And, I was confused about the Dutch flag as well, so...(YongYea: Right right.) And then again, my management was like, wait, wait, aren't you in it after all, isn't he...so it was really confusing, but...yeah. (YongYea: Yeah. I know...em...) I don't know why...
Yeah, that is strange. I know...em...you know, with like David Hayter, for example, he had a similar kind of confusing process, where he, you know, talked to the people and then was kind of radio silence, and then he learned that Kojima want a different route with Kiefer. So...yeah...it's interesting. But, Kojima, he has an interesting...he has his own way of working, and he has a vision, and I suppose...yeah...he felt he had to go certain route to realize that vision, which, you know, from a creative's perspective, I can respect. (Stefanie Joosten: Yeah, of course.) Yeah, but for sure, that must have been very confusing to have gotten that call, and then nothing. (Stefanie Joosten: yeah, it was.) Yeah. (Stefanie Joosten: it is what it is.)
Were you consciously trying to tease something for fans? Like I know you took like a picture with Mad's poster at one point and people read into that and...
Stefanie Joosten:
Well, a little bit. Well, I'm also just a fan of Mad Mikkelsen, so it wasn't too conscious about it. Yeah, but still I got a point I was thinking I was going to be involved, so.
If I may ask, there was a picture of you visiting Guerrilla Games at one point. Did that play into that at all? Because we know now that Kojima's collaborating with Guerrilla with the Decima game engine, and a lot of people drew from that as well to speculate is she in talks for for something there, was that an early part of the process of casting, you know. What is that about, if I may ask?
Stefanie Joosten:
It might be a bit disappointing, but that was just because I have friends working at Guerrilla, and...(YongYea: awesome.) It's the biggest studio in Netherlands, so...(YongYea: yeah.) I was really just visiting.
Awesome, awesome. And you met some of the people there, like the creative head at all?
Stefanie Joosten:
Yeah, I got a little sneak peek at their new games development, so.
That is awesome. Yeah, I think...in my theories, they are probably working on a sequel to Horizon. I don't know if that's been confirmed, but I hope so because that first game was truly one of the pinnacles of that year in my opinion. And, yeah, what those folks were doing is amazing. Obviously, Kojima was very impressed with their engine, with their technology. So I'm looking forward to see what they'll bring to the table.
But it was good to get that clarification from you. We don't have barrage you anymore with questions, theories. And I'll stop making these videos that lead people to ask you questions that you're like I can't, I don't know, so.
Stefanie Joosten:
That's all right.