The suspicion, though, is regular Steam may be phased out or blocked entirely, once the rubber-stamped Steam China goes live, but even that - alongside the fate of more than 30 million Chinese user accounts, purchased games, save files, and the developers who rely on them - is unclear.
In fact, Valve isn't sure itself. Eurogamer spoke to Valve's DJ Powers, who works in the company's business development team, at the event to try and get a better sense of what exactly is going on. As you'll read it's pretty clear even Valve can't explain - or maybe more accurately, can't say - what's going to happen to the international version of Steam out in China. Nor, for that matter, can the company say what'll happen to the accounts and property of tens of millions of Chinese players, who may or may not be able to access the international version of Steam once the official Chinese version goes live.
And you mentioned as well obviously there are a large amount of players here who enjoy gaming on Steam as it stands. Let's say I'm a Chinese citizen and I want to play, I don't know, FTL, and I've played a hundred hours in FTL and I don't want to lose all my saves and everything like that - what happens when Steam China comes in? Will my saves move over? Will I lose my library? Will I keep my library?
Powers: Our goal is to make sure your library remains, your data, your saves remain, you're not losing anything.
What if I own a game on Steam as-is, that isn't on Steam China at launch?
Powers: Nothing'll change about Steam global.
So Steam global will still be available in China?
Powers: Nothing'll change about Steam global.
Okay, could something external prevent Steam global from being available in China?
Powers: I mean, anything, yeah. There's always externalities you can't control. But the direction we're headed is that Steam global remains as it is today.