@clarks897 饰品怎么洗,我看只能洗武器和防具
shigure_uk 2020-03-15 20:15
clwangcl 2020-03-15 20:18
@clwangcl 谢谢,找到了
shigure_uk 2020-03-15 20:33
@shigure_uk 熟练度增加好像是按稀有度给的,蓝的7点多,紫的9点9,就是现在没神器不知道会加多少
arthur-dimension 2020-03-15 22:00
@arthur-dimension 我有神器但是洗不出加熟练度的词条
shigure_uk 2020-03-15 22:23
harushiziku 2020-03-16 02:26
@arthur-dimension @shigure_uk 我洗了神器的,也是9.9%
ultraxionnet 2020-03-16 05:56修改
那有没有 后期拿高级武器杀低级小兵,一刀几万伤害 这种说法?》
xiebazhi110_zy 2020-03-16 07:49
@xiebazhi110_zy 只能刷是高血量而且好打的boss,我试过空血后不处决刷伤害,但是不算熟练度,所以刷小兵没用的,也没有那种几万伤害的武器,最多面板1200
shigure_uk 2020-03-16 08:13
kakushi 2020-03-16 08:19
hayate1989 2020-03-16 08:54
@karasu0112 嗯 重复的地图非常多,试玩打马头鬼,第一章支线打乌鸦天狗的寺庙就是一代的图= =
rosa_island 2020-03-16 09:07
@hayate1989 大佬打完二周目说下还差几把武器,刻意刷确实顶不住已经失去动力了
shigure_uk 2020-03-16 09:29修改
@shigure_uk 还没打完,打了两章,满了三把,还有两把十万这样,估摸着全部打完应该也就剩两三把了吧,反正也打算随便刷刷装备先,真腻味的时候再考虑专门刷熟练了
hayate1989 2020-03-16 10:26
bsdlxypsy 2020-03-16 11:26
@bsdlxypsy 感应敌人可以去饰品哪里洗,很方便的
arthur-dimension 2020-03-16 11:32
qinyachanghui 2020-03-16 11:41
mk4201 2020-03-16 14:13
@rosa_island 我已经至少发现四张一代地图了,不过这个作为前作还是可以有偷懒的理由的,因为反正都是在日本,真有你的啊光荣
karasu0112 2020-03-16 15:04
ultraxionnet 2020-03-16 23:50
@ultraxionnet 佛了,这熟练度奖杯太恶心人了
shigure_uk 2020-03-17 00:01
@shigure_uk 先把二周目通了吧,送个八尺琼勾玉。
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 01:00
@ultraxionnet powerpyx更新了新办法,在黄金国度刷四个小兵,据说90分钟可以刷完一种武器,但是我比较佛还没推进到那没法试
shigure_uk 2020-03-17 01:04
@shigure_uk 能发个链接给我看看吗,我过去看了一眼全是支线任务的攻略
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 01:18
@ultraxionnet Fastest Method (~90 Minutes to 180,000 Proficiency) – requires you to play through New Game+:

The fastest method I found was in New Game+ “The Golden Castle” (Region 6). At the first Shrine go left, there are 2 enemies (1 small, 1 big) standing there and another 2 in the room behind them. Enter the room for a short moment and go back out to lure the 4 enemies together. Hit all 4 at the same time with attacks that cover a wide radius (usually mid-stance :square: with most weapons). For example, with the Spear or Kusarigama you’d use mid-stance :square: because that covers the widest radius and is easiest to hit multiple enemies. You’ll want to use a move that hits as many of them at once. This allows you to defeat 4 enemies in a much faster time than fighting each of them individually. Killing all 4 gives you 2532 Proficiency and only takes a few seconds. Go back to the Shrine to make them respawn and repeat. On average each run took me 1 minute (2532 Proficiency per 1 Minute = 180,000 Proficiency in 71 Minutes). So you are looking at a little over 1 hour per weapon with this method (my average was around 90 minutes per weapon. Some weapons are better at hitting multiple enemies than others). You can also buff yourself with Steel Talisman + Rejuvenation + Barrier Talisman, then you have higher defense, automatic health recovery, and faster Ki recovery which makes it easier.
shigure_uk 2020-03-17 01:21
@shigure_uk 明早起床去试试,谢谢了。
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 01:27修改
@ultraxionnet 选到状态,查看熟练度
shigure_uk 2020-03-17 01:43
@shigure_uk 全刷完了,差不多75分钟一把
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 09:02
@ultraxionnet 枯了,还没解锁第六章
shigure_uk 2020-03-17 09:29修改
@ultraxionnet 这4个货拉一起A要怎么保证自己不被乱刀砍死。。
sa11011079 2020-03-17 12:36
@sa11011079 金刚符+养身符+忘了叫什么吸收一定量伤害的符+刚力丹。
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 12:46修改
@ultraxionnet 问下这个勾玉是二周目什么任务的奖励?
karasu0112 2020-03-17 13:20
@karasu0112 最后一个主线,就是打大狱丸那个任务。
ultraxionnet 2020-03-17 13:22
@ultraxionnet 多谢!
karasu0112 2020-03-17 13:54
wy-max 2020-03-17 15:56修改
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