@ultraxionnet Fastest Method (~90 Minutes to 180,000 Proficiency) – requires you to play through New Game+:
The fastest method I found was in New Game+ “The Golden Castle” (Region 6). At the first Shrine go left, there are 2 enemies (1 small, 1 big) standing there and another 2 in the room behind them. Enter the room for a short moment and go back out to lure the 4 enemies together. Hit all 4 at the same time with attacks that cover a wide radius (usually mid-stance :square: with most weapons). For example, with the Spear or Kusarigama you’d use mid-stance :square: because that covers the widest radius and is easiest to hit multiple enemies. You’ll want to use a move that hits as many of them at once. This allows you to defeat 4 enemies in a much faster time than fighting each of them individually. Killing all 4 gives you 2532 Proficiency and only takes a few seconds. Go back to the Shrine to make them respawn and repeat. On average each run took me 1 minute (2532 Proficiency per 1 Minute = 180,000 Proficiency in 71 Minutes). So you are looking at a little over 1 hour per weapon with this method (my average was around 90 minutes per weapon. Some weapons are better at hitting multiple enemies than others). You can also buff yourself with Steel Talisman + Rejuvenation + Barrier Talisman, then you have higher defense, automatic health recovery, and faster Ki recovery which makes it easier.