

@daloo520 remake啦

这个项目是由Matthew、Gallant和Shauna Skye领导的,你会在未来几周听到更多,看到更多,直到9月2日在PS5上发布。
I mean these performances. You did a decade ago. You didn't go back in. I mean, you used the original performances.
Actually, we came up with a process where you could take the original animation that we did for the faces and kind of like retarget it on these new rigs that have a lot more fidelity and then the animators went back and forth.
How much has it changed that you went and you redid the models and rebuilt everything?
Everything was rebuilt from the ground up same art director re-art directed the whole thing from the ground up.
But the great thing about these faces is that they're closer to their original performance. All the animators went and studied those videos and got it closer to what you did on set than we could have achieved before.
And that's just like one of the things, and we could talk about like this brand new ai, like all the combat, is redone just the fidelity of everything 60 frames per second, all the stuff you're getting on the ps5 again, we wanted to give knowing, because Of the show because this they're all new players for ps5 and pc, we wanted them to have the definitive version of the last of us.
It's really when you play it when you see it in motion. It's really night and day from what it used to be.
The new animation system, the new ai system, everything we've learned on like uncharted four last of us, two we applied To this again, to give that definitive version just to give a quick shout out, this project is headed up by Matthew, gallant and Shauna Skye and you'll hear a lot more about and see a lot more about over the coming weeks, leading up to the release September, 2nd on ps5 all right. Well, surely, they're after on pc, we will look forward at night.
Neil, you've talked a lot about games directed by other people. What are you directing? You still making games?
I haven't given up my day job. It's a little early to talk about it. Maybe if someone in place wants to leak it, then we can talk about it now. Otherwise, we'll save it.
You do have a new project?
Do have a new project, but we'll save it for another summer: game, fest, okay, okay, well, we'll see we'll, try and save it all right, troy, Ashley neal!
这个项目是由Matthew、Gallant和Shauna Skye领导的,你会在未来几周听到更多,看到更多,直到9月2日在PS5上发布。
I mean these performances. You did a decade ago. You didn't go back in. I mean, you used the original performances.
Actually, we came up with a process where you could take the original animation that we did for the faces and kind of like retarget it on these new rigs that have a lot more fidelity and then the animators went back and forth.
How much has it changed that you went and you redid the models and rebuilt everything?
Everything was rebuilt from the ground up same art director re-art directed the whole thing from the ground up.
But the great thing about these faces is that they're closer to their original performance. All the animators went and studied those videos and got it closer to what you did on set than we could have achieved before.
And that's just like one of the things, and we could talk about like this brand new ai, like all the combat, is redone just the fidelity of everything 60 frames per second, all the stuff you're getting on the ps5 again, we wanted to give knowing, because Of the show because this they're all new players for ps5 and pc, we wanted them to have the definitive version of the last of us.
It's really when you play it when you see it in motion. It's really night and day from what it used to be.
The new animation system, the new ai system, everything we've learned on like uncharted four last of us, two we applied To this again, to give that definitive version just to give a quick shout out, this project is headed up by Matthew, gallant and Shauna Skye and you'll hear a lot more about and see a lot more about over the coming weeks, leading up to the release September, 2nd on ps5 all right. Well, surely, they're after on pc, we will look forward at night.
Neil, you've talked a lot about games directed by other people. What are you directing? You still making games?
I haven't given up my day job. It's a little early to talk about it. Maybe if someone in place wants to leak it, then we can talk about it now. Otherwise, we'll save it.
You do have a new project?
Do have a new project, but we'll save it for another summer: game, fest, okay, okay, well, we'll see we'll, try and save it all right, troy, Ashley neal!

@bill-jayustree 另一个夏日游戏节?是说这个月的其他展会,还是说明年的?

@qiansan_04 大概率是明年

@zhouyinxiao 没有

@luanwu1997 其实所有的所谓独占游戏上PC都只是时间问题了,包括还没出的2023年战神。但已经放出话了,就会有人选择不买,等PC

@qingcheng90 你还是先去看看你刚发的关于patapon的帖子吧

@ms-caroldanvers 演员演出用的都是第一代的,估计剧情不会有大改动

@qjs1994 乔尔这2代建模套过来的眼袋也太夸张了点

@qjs1994 感觉老版乔尔更帅

@asahi_wkx XGP也玩不到索尼第一方啊

@humphrey1999ham 且目前已经卖完了

@redplan000623 多人模式变成独立作品,会有新剧情新角色,明年会有新消息(是的完全咕咕咕了

@lone-wolf2099 反正跨平台了,索尼这会员到期懒得冲了,买台XB玩

@boychouchou 想没bug是不可能滴 顽皮狗基本操作

@crh-380al 二代就没啥bug啊?一代也只有全收集那里的一点小bug,又不是育碧

@vita_apple 重制也分层次,生化危机4,恶魔之魂这种水准的重制,按全新价格买没什么问题吧,所以关键还是看内容。我记得当年有人拼命喷FF7重制分章节卖,结果出来后发现这就是新作,只是沿用了原作的世界观和人物

And that's just like one of the things, and we could talk about like this brand new AI, like all the combat, is redone just the fidelity of everything 60 frames per second.
It's really when you play it when you see it in motion. It's really night and day from what it used to be. The new animation system, the new ai system.
And that's just like one of the things, and we could talk about like this brand new AI, like all the combat, is redone just the fidelity of everything 60 frames per second.
It's really when you play it when you see it in motion. It's really night and day from what it used to be. The new animation system, the new ai system.

@jx1980_0gai 我觉得以神海398的规格卖倒是差不多 神海还支持80升级 生化FF恶魂那些都是翻天覆地的变化 和美末1本来体验就很现代化的游戏完全是两码事 那些卖全价我是没一点怨言的

@bill-jayustree 这些也达不到remake程度啊,就像光环12也不能算remake,remake应该是重新制做,我认为要到生化123、FF7那种系统或关卡设计推倒重来的程度才能称之为remake,而且remake的风险其实还是挺高的。
@luanwu1997 这些能想到肯定得有,毕竟垮了两个世代了,再没有这些就太骗钱了
@luanwu1997 这些能想到肯定得有,毕竟垮了两个世代了,再没有这些就太骗钱了

@squall_snake 这有什么好谁说服谁的,SE官方定义FF12黄道年代是REMAKE,都是厂商想怎么定义就怎么定义,自己的看法只能约束到自己。

@squall_snake 我的感觉是这部是介于remastered和remake之间的作品,比普通remastered质量好很多但又没到全部remake的程度……

@ztxccwb_yuejie 结合neil在展会上宣布今天电视剧杀青的情况来看,这次p1可能有给电视剧造势的作用
),sie不来送半个月hbo max助助兴?
