这游戏玩了,挺一般的,虽说我是 R&M 的粉丝,但是我是真的很不喜欢这个游戏的游戏设计,战斗就低配版影子武士吧,真的不好玩。然后游戏的核心话唠是个很尴尬的点,你开着话唠吧,他是真的闹心,你不开吧,就愈发感觉游戏无聊……
The Gamer 的评测深得我心,在这贴出来:High On Life, Low On Everything Else
High on Life just isn’t very good, and there’s not much more to say. I think a lot of people are taking the route of ‘well, if you love this humour you might enjoy it’, but I already do love this humour and I did not enjoy it. It’s the ghost of video games past, with boring shooting and a bafflingly slim progression loop propped up by bad jokes that feel like some bros on a podcast writing their own Interdimensional Cable skits. It’s free on Game Pass, but your time on this planet is precious. Give this one a miss.
翻译:High on Life,除了不好玩之外没有什么别的可以说。我觉得很多人都在说“好吧,如果你喜欢这种幽默,你可能会喜欢它”,可我确实就喜欢这种幽默,但我并不喜欢它。它是古早游戏的翻版,无聊的射击和令人费解的单一游戏节奏,再加上糟糕的笑话,感觉就像一些兄弟在播客上自编自演的“跨次元电视网”小品。这款游戏在 Game Pass 上是免费的,但你在这个星球上的时间是宝贵的。还是放弃这款游戏吧。