憋了半天 就这样?
· 四海兄弟2 决定版(PS4)
· 七龙珠 破界斗士(PS4)
· 异形 火力小队(PS5/PS4)
· 四海兄弟2 决定版(PS4)
· 七龙珠 破界斗士(PS4)
· 异形 火力小队(PS5/PS4)
November 2, 2023 at 12:03 AM GMT+8
For being the first month you are jacking every tier’s price up to ridiculous amounts I was expecting an incredibly solid line-up of games to ensure I don’t follow throw with not renewing Plus for the first time since it’s creation. This isn’t it Sony and I hope things turn around over time. You can absolutely not include first party games in your games library right away for users to enjoy but then you don’t get the same luxury of raising your prices along with GamePass. As of now, with just 3rd party and aged first party titles you are offering an inferior product simply because you hold the largest chunk of market share. With Microsoft aggressive purchasing spree on development you need to find a niche to hit that is more than simply having sold more units. Please show me that future. Here’s to hoping.
November 2, 2023 at 12:03 AM GMT+8
For being the first month you are jacking every tier’s price up to ridiculous amounts I was expecting an incredibly solid line-up of games to ensure I don’t follow throw with not renewing Plus for the first time since it’s creation. This isn’t it Sony and I hope things turn around over time. You can absolutely not include first party games in your games library right away for users to enjoy but then you don’t get the same luxury of raising your prices along with GamePass. As of now, with just 3rd party and aged first party titles you are offering an inferior product simply because you hold the largest chunk of market share. With Microsoft aggressive purchasing spree on development you need to find a niche to hit that is more than simply having sold more units. Please show me that future. Here’s to hoping.
@mercer_y 那还不至于,黑手党2最多就是非常冷的冷饭但还是比咕噜和金刚强
@tk_tick 巧了我也是最後一個月 不過我機器綁了基友的二檔號,還有幾年,不僅嫖他的二檔庫,還要嫖他的聯機功能
@heartbreakzxc 估计很多都是11月到期吧,11月黑五会员有折扣,前两年续费和升级的应该很多
@heartbreakzxc 我的二档也是白嫖的。自己的一档不续了之后还是合购二档吧,虽然白嫖的那个朋友他自己二档游戏还没我玩得多。
@kmj514 现在的价格得5折才能抵得上原来的7折,再大没可能这么大了。要是真有那我还是续的。
@kmj514 现在的价格得5折才能抵得上原来的7折,再大没可能这么大了。要是真有那我还是续的。
@sakura-n-kisetsu 一样jbc不能用烦死了
@cheblockman 2檔來大的和一檔漲價有甚麼關係