
@elertmd 你怎么能说是屎,p9有些人就好这口啊

@dirty-cheap 这是屎受过最大的侮辱

And then as far as with non binary and transgender, I hope that we just start seeing that the future is here whether we like it or not.
We need to not just accept it but embrace it. Embracing something and seeing not only the beauty it in it but the way that it contributes to the world and contributes into the way that anybody of any gender race.
Creed color can form their identify and can walk through the world with pride in their chin up high. Like I think it is so important for the generation coming behind us.
And then as far as with non binary and transgender, I hope that we just start seeing that the future is here whether we like it or not.
We need to not just accept it but embrace it. Embracing something and seeing not only the beauty it in it but the way that it contributes to the world and contributes into the way that anybody of any gender race.
Creed color can form their identify and can walk through the world with pride in their chin up high. Like I think it is so important for the generation coming behind us.

@klyyl 确实,神海没有5应该是最值得庆幸的事

@sebastianhue 这条鱼就像受了辐射污染一样,看得我都要吐了你还让我吃?零分!

@dw--shadow 精神攻击不是换张皮就可以的

这个是Grummz发的,不知道你们为什么这么喜欢搬运ednymion、Grummz(Mark Kern)、Asmongold、G.O.A.T gamming之流的二手屎,但凡看看以上这些人的推,说句屎不为过,现在的国内游戏自媒体80%以上搬运以上人拉的屎,是专盯屎的苍蝇嘛

@adamjens 说明大家认知也高不到哪里去,压根没人关注真假出处,只需要一个地方发泄。经常对着一个不确切的新闻都可以讨论几百层。

@adamjens 屎都溅到自己手里的蛋糕上了,你反倒问我为什么要关注?你以为大家想关注?

@dirty-cheap 视频我都看了。他这视频没有出处,不知道是采访的什么内容,也不知道具体的语境前后说的什么,并不能证明和这个游戏有关系。搜了两下没搜到,希望有人能提供完整视频。

@ericrayhk 我说的楼主搬运的ednymion、Grummz(Mark Kern)、Asmongold、G.O.A.T gamming之类的推,但凡翻过墙,看看他们过往的发言也知道这些货色是什么鬼东西,dei是屎,但这些货色是转吃屎来博流量,而国内自媒体特爱搬运这些人的推。就最近Grummz推上发一张工作室全是女性的照片说是该工作室盛行女权主义,男性被打压,其实是3.8妇女节特意找的工作室女性的合照,宇宙机器人7.5万销量出自G.O.A.T gamming之手,总之,上面这些人全是用真假参半或造谣或诽谤来污染游戏环境,特意营造对立舆论专吃流量。国内自媒体特爱搬运这些人的推,尤其是Grummz,少了Grummz,国内自媒体新闻起码少50%

油管 Hypnotic 发了关于这个视频出处的解释,是去年一个亚裔活动unforgettablegala上面说的,活动官方油管号也有原视频。还有其他地方的采访也可以佐证,虽然和这个游戏无关,但确实是她的思想,不喜欢的可以开喷了。
油管 Hypnotic 发了关于这个视频出处的解释,是去年一个亚裔活动unforgettablegala上面说的,活动官方油管号也有原视频。还有其他地方的采访也可以佐证,虽然和这个游戏无关,但确实是她的思想,不喜欢的可以开喷了。

@wubs12345 因为Grummz就是吃反dei这波流量,而且他一直都在吃,虽然我也讨厌dei,但我同样也讨厌这些国外的“意见领袖”