The Mark of the beast, and the men who follow the beast of the earth will bear this mark to display their allegiance to the beast. It has been disputed by some scholars that certain numeric ciphers would translate it over to certain words, names, etc... For example, one of the more popular translations was Nero Caesar, and before that, Lateinos, etc...
"...And that number is 666."
Widely implied that it was 666 because it was an imperfect number to represent the impurities of man and their evildoings and sinful ways.
via Urban Dictionary(词条:666)
在西方文化中表示兽名数目,在《圣经·启示录》中,666是魔鬼的数字。此说法最早见于Mark of the Beast。
via Wikipedia(词条:666)
"...And that number is 666."
Widely implied that it was 666 because it was an imperfect number to represent the impurities of man and their evildoings and sinful ways.
via Urban Dictionary(词条:666)
在西方文化中表示兽名数目,在《圣经·启示录》中,666是魔鬼的数字。此说法最早见于Mark of the Beast。
via Wikipedia(词条:666)