McDroid 白0 金0 银3 铜15 总18 |
#1 A fistfull of strawberries (满满一大把草莓) You harvested your first strawberries, now a word of encouragement from our sponsor Somanto.你收成了第一把草莓,现在我们的赞助者索曼托送来了鼓励的话语。
(Somanto) |
81.00% 一般 | ||
#2 The first healing (初次治疗) The first planet nodule is healed. She is on her way to recovery and you can start feeling her love through your mechanical heart.第一颗星球上的毒瘤已经被根治了,现在她正在复原的过程中而你能感受到她的爱满溢于你的机械之心。
37.00% 珍贵 | ||
#3 Trial by spawner (卵生动物的挑战) You survived volcanoes, Spawners and dodged their offspring. Planet was right to chose you.你拯救了火山、保护了卵生动物和他们的後代,这颗星球选择你是正确的。
22.20% 珍贵 | ||
#4 No more baby talk (别再童言童语) Planet is healing, now her cognitive abilities are re-emerging... pfuuu.星球被治癒了,现在她的认知正在重建… 噗呼。
17.50% 珍贵 | ||
#5 Basetopia (基地乐园) You deployed mobile power nodes. Now don't you go break our level designs.你部属了行动电源节点,现在你不试试破坏我们的关卡设计么。
15.50% 珍贵 | ||
#6 Fully operational (完整运作) From itty bitty doggy robot, to rail upgraded mobile battle station, give us a roar.小小狗狗机器人,对着轨道升级行动战斗设施,给我们发出一声怒吼
9.90% 非常珍贵 | ||
#7 Captured mutagel vat (抓到了Mutagel Vat) You guiltlessly destroyed the SOMANTO "Tower of Terror" and captured a Mutagel Vat.你无辜的摧毁了索曼托的“恐怖之塔”并且抓到了Mutagel Vat。
7.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#8 Healed the planet (治疗星球) You have healed your planet and she is happy now. But for for how long…你治疗了你的星球让她很快乐,但是不知道能持续多久…
6.70% 非常珍贵 | ||
#9 Captain planet (队长星球) You have finished McDROID in normal. Do you want to try Challenge?你通关了McDROID普通模式,你想来点挑战吗?
6.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#10 First Nightmare (第一次恶梦) You have achieved the impossible and won ONE nightmare level. Now time to go buy a new keyboard, and don't mind that SOMANTO van parked outside your building, we are not probing your brain.你赢了一场恶梦关卡达成了不可能的任务,现在是时候去买个新键盘,还有别在意索曼托的车停在你的房子外,我们没有要探测你的大脑。
5.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#11 Strawberry piggy (草莓小猪罐) You farmed 1000 strawberries in one level of the campaign. Such farming super ability makes us salivate at the potential profit.你在战役模式的一个关卡中耕种了1000丛草莓,这么强力的耕种技能让我们对其潜在利润垂涎三尺。
4.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#12 Firefighter (消防员) With ninja-skills you've flipped all your turrets out of harms way - in CHALLENGE. Well done, you deserve a pat on the turret mount.你藉由忍者技能使你的全部炮塔远离了危险 - 在挑战中。做得好,你值得在炮塔台座上获得表扬。
6.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#13 Toughtanium underpants (强力内裤) SOMANTO's anabolic seem to be working for you. You have finished the game in Challenge, which is normally impossible.索曼托的类固醇好像在你身上发挥作用了,你以挑战模式通关了游戏,基本来说这是不可能的。
3.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#14 Uzumaki deska ? (漩涡么?) You survived The Spiral for 50 waves of vertigo inducing madness.你带有一些眩晕的狂乱在螺旋生存了50波。
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#15 Chlorophyll allergies (叶绿素过敏) Completed "Anti Bliss" without a single bliss engine or redwood. We applaud your admirable and twisted anti-ecologism.不使用任何福音引擎或红杉完成“反福音”关卡,我们欢迎你令人钦佩之处还有你的反生态主义。
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#16 All nightmare (全是恶梦) The SOMANTO agents knocking at your door agree, the intensity of your brainwaves could power one of their mining vessels. Enjoy your next job in a vat.索曼托的特工敲了你的门,你的脑波强大到可以启动一台钻探机,准备享受你在Vat的工作吧。
3.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#17 Anti-somantism (反索曼托主义) You have purchased no turret in Challenge mode. Even if it were possible, it would be a lethal showcase of anti-consumerism.你在挑战模式中没有购买任何炮塔,即使这是有可能的,这也能成为反消费主义的典范。
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#18 Friend of Nikola (尼可拉的朋友) You have completed a level buying and using only Tesla coils while keeping your fingers and tongues off those sexy electric sockets.你购买且使用了特斯拉线圈来完成一个关卡并且保持手指和舌头都在这些性感的电插座上。
3.30% 极为珍贵 |