DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

PS4《DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles》中文奖杯列表

白0 金1 银3 铜9 总13 点数315 4人玩过 


完成度 0/13

DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

白0 金1 银3 铜9 总13

#1 Definitely Not Broken

Defuse the Alien Device
89.20% 一般

#2 Lancey Lance is On the Case

Save Pidge and Hunk
86.30% 一般

#3 Hot Wired Ice Cannon

Re-route Blue Lion’s Power
81.90% 一般

#4 Almost Lost in Space

Restore the Star Map
73.20% 一般

#5 Hyper-Jump-Portal, GO!

Open a Wormhole for the Paladins
72.80% 一般

#6 JET PACK!!!

Complete the Ice Planet
88.60% 一般

#7 Space Rocks Equal Bad

Complete the Asteroid Belt
80.60% 一般

#8 “And I’ll Form the Head!”

Complete the Desert Planet
64.80% 一般

#9 Game, Set, Match

Defeat the Galra Bomber
65.10% 一般

#10 Pew, Pew, Pew

Defeat 50% of the Galra Fighters in the Asteroid Belt
83.70% 一般

#11 Aw, Yeah!

Defeat 50% of the Galra Fighters in the Desert Planet
47.50% 珍贵

#12 Not a Space Piñata

Defeat the Robeast without Getting Hit
1.00% 极为珍贵

#13 Defender of the Universe

Complete the Experience
58.90% 一般