完成度 51/59 | 11月6日首个杯 | 11月10日最后杯 | 3.7天总耗时 |
Mass Effect™ 2 白1 金2 银6 铜46 总55 |
#1 N7 Elite (N7精英) 2 Tips Acquire all trophies获得所有奖杯
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#2 Highly Trained (训练有素) View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal.在Sheperd的个人终端中查看所有高级战斗训练视频
11-06 11:01 |
45.30% 珍贵 | |
#3 Missing in Action (战场迷失) Save your crew from an overwhelming attack在遭到绝命性打击后拯救你的船员
11-06 08:41 |
91.60% 一般 | |
#4 Very Elusive (神出鬼没) Return to active duty重返战场
11-06 09:36 |
84.20% 一般 | |
#5 The Convict (内个罪犯) Successfully recruit the biotic Convict成功招募超能罪犯Jack
11-07 09:35 |
64.10% 一般 | |
#6 The Krogan (内个莽汉) Successfully recruit the Krogan成功招募Krogan Grunt
11-06 22:23 |
61.00% 一般 | |
#7 The Archangel (内个天使) Successfully recruit Archangel成功招募大天使Garrus
11-06 16:13 |
69.80% 一般 | |
#8 The Professor (内个教授) Successfully recruit the Professor成功招募教授Mordin
11-06 13:29 |
69.80% 一般 | |
#9 The Quarian (内个软妹) Successfully recruit the Quarian成功招募Quarian人,Tali
11-07 13:03 |
54.30% 一般 | |
#10 The Justicar (内个女侠) Successfully recruit the Justicar成功招募Samara
11-07 21:39 |
55.00% 一般 | |
#11 The Assassin (内个杀手) Successfully recruit the Assassin成功招募杀手Thane
11-07 20:38 |
56.50% 一般 | |
#12 Colony Defense (保卫驻地) 1 Tips Defend a human colony from attack保卫一处人类殖民地
11-07 11:05 |
60.40% 一般 | |
#13 The Prodigal (浪子回头) Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer获得Cerberus长官(Miranda)的忠心
11-08 13:50 |
54.40% 一般 | |
#14 Ghost of the Father (幽灵父亲) Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative获得Cerberus特工(Jacob)的忠心
11-08 12:34 |
54.00% 一般 | |
#15 Catharsis (精神发泄) Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict获得超能罪犯(Jack)的忠心
11-08 20:19 |
52.90% 一般 | |
#16 Battlemaster (战斗大师) Gain the loyalty of the krogan获得Krogan Grunt的忠心
11-07 22:56 |
52.20% 一般 | |
#17 Fade Away (血债血偿) Gain the loyalty of Archangel获得大天使Garrus的忠心
11-08 15:21 |
52.20% 一般 | |
#18 The Cure (妙手仁心) Gain the loyalty of the Professor获得教授Mordin的忠心
11-08 11:46 |
52.90% 一般 | |
#19 Treason (叛变通敌) Gain the loyalty of the quarian获得Quarian人(Tali)的忠心
11-08 16:27 |
47.50% 珍贵 | |
#20 Doppelganger (其母其女) 1 Tips Help the Justicar resolve her mission获得Samara的忠心
11-08 17:13 |
45.20% 珍贵 | |
#21 Cat's in the Cradle (其父其子) Gain the loyalty of the Assassin获得杀手(Thane)的忠心
11-08 14:37 |
44.00% 珍贵 | |
#22 Friend or Foe (是敌是友) Obtain geth technology获得geth科技
11-09 22:11 |
47.70% 珍贵 | |
#23 A House Divided (分道扬镳) Hack a geth collective破解geth的交流网络
11-09 22:57 |
42.50% 珍贵 | |
#24 Ghost Ship (幽灵鬼船) Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel完成对废弃的外星人飞船的调查
11-07 18:02 |
55.20% 一般 | |
#25 Suicide Mission (绝命任务) Use the Omega 4 Relay使用Omega 4 中继站
11-09 23:19 |
46.20% 珍贵 | |
#26 Mission Accomplished (大功告成) Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation解决整个银河系的人类的种族灭绝危机
11-10 00:32 |
45.40% 珍贵 | |
#27 Against All Odds (冲出重围) Survive suicide mission从自杀任务中存活下来
11-10 00:30 |
45.20% 珍贵 | |
#28 Insanity (精神疯狂) 8 Tips Complete the game on the "Insanity" difficulty level without changing the setting在不改变难度的情况下,以Insanity难度完成整个游戏
11-10 00:32 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | |
#29 No One Left Behind (一个不少) 1 Tips Keep your team alive through the suicide mission自杀任务中全员幸存
11-10 00:33 |
22.30% 珍贵 | |
#30 Long Service Medal (老兵勋章) 2 Tips Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1完成质量效应2两次,或者继承质量效应1的存档完成1次。
11-10 00:31 |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#31 Paramour (浪漫情人) Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate成功与一名队员达成情侣关系
31.00% 珍贵 | ||
#32 Head Hunter (脑瓜猎手) Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets使用任意武器完成30次对人行生物的爆头击杀
11-06 13:17 |
67.00% 一般 | |
#33 Brawler (搏击选手) Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch射杀20个被拳头击倒的敌人
10.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#34 Big Game Hunter (巨兽猎人) Thresher Maw defeated干掉巨兽Thresher Maw
11-07 22:52 |
51.70% 一般 | |
#35 Tactician (战术高手) Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects组合多个超能技能击中20个不同目标
11-08 13:26 |
8.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#36 Master at Arms (武器大师) Kill enemies with 5 different heavy weapons during the game游戏期间使用5种不同的重型武器击杀敌人
11-08 17:38 |
28.10% 珍贵 | |
#37 Merciless (冷酷无情) Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire让20个敌人坠落或者扔进火里嚎叫
11-06 13:23 |
72.90% 一般 | |
#38 Overload Specialist (超载专家) 1 Tips Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies使用Overload技能瓦解25个敌人的护盾
11-08 16:15 |
17.80% 珍贵 | |
#39 Warp Specialist (扭曲专家) 1 Tips Warp the barriers of 25 enemies使用Warp技能摧毁25名敌人的屏障
11.00% 非常珍贵 | ||
#40 Incineration Specialist (焚烧专家) 1 Tips Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies使用Incineration烧毁25名敌人的护甲
11-08 11:31 |
11.30% 非常珍贵 | |
#41 Operative (探长) Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world使用扫描从未探索过的星球上发现1个任务并完成它
11-07 15:30 |
60.30% 一般 | |
#42 Agent (特工) Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds使用扫描从未探索过的星球上发现5个任务并完成它
11-07 18:36 |
44.50% 珍贵 | |
#43 Prospector (勘探者) Retrieve mineral resources by scanning and probing a planet in the galaxy map对银河星图中的一颗星球使用扫描并,并使用探针获取矿物
11-06 16:35 |
70.40% 一般 | |
#44 Explorer (探索者) Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster访问未探索过的星团中所有星球
11-06 20:55 |
50.40% 一般 | |
#45 Power Gamer (高端玩家) 1 Tips Reach Level 30 with one character使一名角色达到30级
23.30% 珍贵 | ||
#46 Scholar (学者) Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries解锁15个质量效应2中新加的知识
11-06 12:30 |
69.70% 一般 | |
#47 Technician (科技人员) Obtain 10 technology upgrades获得10项科技升级
11-07 10:01 |
63.20% 一般 | |
#48 Weapon Specialist (武器专家) Fully upgrade a weapon将一把武器升级至顶级
11-08 15:41 |
35.60% 珍贵 | |
#49 Scientist (科学家) Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory在Normandy的实验室中完成任意研究
11-06 13:34 |
66.90% 一般 | |
#50 Fashionista (时尚家) Personalize your armor个性化你的护甲
11-06 09:26 |
82.10% 一般 | |
#51 Power Full (浑身力量) Evolve any power进化任意生物技能
11-06 20:14 |
56.40% 一般 | |
#52 Heart of Darkness (黑暗之心) Confront the Shadow Broker与Shadow Broker对峙
11-09 20:39 |
51.10% 一般 | |
#53 Broke, Blind and Bedlam (打破打瞎打疯) Gain the loyalty of the thief获得盗贼的忠心
11-08 19:54 |
59.80% 一般 | |
#54 Data Hound (数据猎犬) Collect 6 Cerberus data packets scattered across Aite收集6个散落在Aite星球的Cerberus数据包
11-06 18:58 |
18.30% 珍贵 | |
#55 Digital Exorcist (数字驱魔者) Successfully shut down the rogue VI in Project Overlord成功关闭霸主计划中不受控制的VI
11-06 20:51 |
52.20% 一般 |
Zaeed: The Price of Revenge 白0 金0 银0 铜1 总1 |
#56 Revenge! (复仇!) Gain the loyalty of the mercenary ("Cerberus Pack" downloadable content)获得雇佣兵的忠心
11-08 18:14 |
30.50% 珍贵 |
Arrival 白0 金0 银0 铜3 总3 |
#57 The Ultimate Sacrifice (终极牺牲) Complete the Arrival DLC ("Arrival" downloadable content)完成Arrival DLC
10.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#58 Last Stand (背水一战) Survive all five waves in the battle for Object Rho ("Arrival" downloadable content)从Object Rho战斗中的五波攻击中幸存
5.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#59 Covert Action (隐秘行动) Rescue Dr. Amanda Kenson without attracting hostile attention ("Arrival" downloadable content)在不被敌人发现的情况下救出Dr. Amanda Kenson
4.90% 极为珍贵 |