Woodle Tree Adventures

PS4《萌树伍德 豪华版》中文奖杯列表

白0 金2 银1 铜7 总10 点数315 8人玩过 麻烦  25%完美

Woodle Tree Adventures

白0 金2 银1 铜7 总10

#1 Complete The First Level

Complete The First Level
56.20% 一般

#2 Unlock The Yellow Leaf

Unlock The Yellow Leaf
40.90% 珍贵

#3 Unlock The Orange Leaf

Unlock The Orange Leaf
32.70% 珍贵

#4 Unlock The White Leaf

Unlock The White Leaf
25.50% 珍贵

#5 Beat The Game

Beat The Game
20.00% 珍贵

#6 Collect 500 Berries

Collect 500 Berries
30.50% 珍贵

#7 Collect 1000 Berries

Collect 1000 Berries
22.50% 珍贵

#8 Collect 3000 Berries

Collect 3000 Berries
9.70% 非常珍贵

#9 Play Extra Level 1

Play Extra Level 1
23.70% 珍贵

#10 Play Extra Level 2

Play Extra Level 2
20.90% 珍贵