完成度 8/8 | 7月23日首个杯 | 9月15日最后杯 | 1.8个月总耗时 |
Snakes And Ladders 白0 金2 银3 铜3 总8 |
#1 Win Win |
07-23 02:57 |
58.00% 一般 | |
#2 Lose Lose |
07-23 03:07 |
59.10% 一般 | |
#3 Friends Play in multiplayer |
07-23 03:20 |
55.40% 一般 | |
#4 Ladders Landed on 5 ladders |
09-15 00:43 |
17.50% 珍贵 | |
#5 No Snakes Won without landing on snake square |
07-23 02:57 |
44.70% 珍贵 | |
#6 Unlucky Landed 5 times on snake square |
07-24 03:05 |
25.10% 珍贵 | |
#7 Dice Thrower Get a 1 on dice consecutively 3 time's |
07-25 03:28 |
26.80% 珍贵 | |
#8 Fast Match Win with 25 or less dice throws (player) |
07-23 02:57 |
63.40% 一般 |