The Capybara P
#1 The Capybara P - *Okay I pull up*
#2 They can’t produce their own Vitamin C
#3 They enjoy great popularity in Japan
#4 Humans have many uses for capybaras
#5 Capybaras can live up to 10 years in captivity
#6 Capybaras typically grow up to 134 cm long
#7 They are occasionally kept as pets
#8 They are eaten by the jungle’s biggest predators
#9 Capybara are extremely picky eaters
#10 They can run as fast as 35 kph
#11 Capybara are closely related to guinea pigs
#12 They are the world’s biggest rodent
#13 They live in groups
#14 Capybaras are herbivores
#15 They are highly social animals
#16 Other animals use capybaras like furniture
#17 Their teeth grow continuously
#18 They have a unique vocal repeertoire
#19 They can even sleep in water
#20 Capybaras are fantastic swimmers
#21 Here comes the grass!