Journey To The Savage Planet


白1 金4 银15 铜32 总52 点数1470 309人玩过 噩梦  1.62%完美


完成度 5/52
4月11日首个杯 4月11日最后杯 17.2分钟总耗时

Journey To The Savage Planet

白1 金3 银12 铜28 总44

#1 The Final Frontier (最后的边疆)

All trophies unlocked! Wow! You got all the things! Did all the stuff! Endured all the poop jokes! Good job!
0.30% 极为珍贵

#2 Colonizer

Set foot on AR-Y 26 for the first time. I guess that counts as an achievement?
82.70% 一般

#3 Cragclaw Defeated

Cragclaw down. Break out the garlic butter!
25.10% 珍贵

#4 Floopsnoot Queen Defeated (长舌怪蜂王被击败)

Successfully ended the bloodline of an endangered alien species! Congratulations!
15.40% 珍贵

#5 Teratomo Defeated (特拉托姆被击败)

Teratomo is no mo'. Now go take a shower. You smell bad. Very bad.
8.30% 非常珍贵

#6 Open Seasame (芝麻开门)

Enter The Spire. I've got a bad feeling about this...
9.30% 非常珍贵

#7 Aaaaaaand we're back (我们回来了)

You died! Now you're not dead! Huh. Weird!
46.80% 珍贵

#8 Phone Home

Play a video message from Kindred. Guess they didn't forget about us!
54.50% 一般

#9 Cannibals (食人族)

Bait 5 creatures into attacking each other. Divide and conquer: Classic strat.
5.50% 非常珍贵

#10 Little Shop of Horrors (恐怖小店)

Fed 5 Pufferbirds to a Meat Vortex. Yes, it blends!
17.00% 珍贵

#11 The $600 Man (“600块”男人)

3D-print all the 3D-printables. After that, go ahead and 3D-print yourself a gold star!
2.20% 极为珍贵

#12 Stronger, Faster, Probably Poisonous (更强,更快,可能有毒)

Recklessly and irresponsibly eat every Orange Goo on AR-Y 26.
在AR-Y 26上,不顾一切、不负责任地把所有的橙胶都吃掉。
2.30% 极为珍贵

#13 Return To Sender (退回发件人)

Retrieved your own loot box. Death is no excuse for leaving behind Kindred property!
37.50% 珍贵

#14 Ambidextrous (左右开弓)

Use every left hand tool in the game. Gotta hand it to you: You're pretty handy.
13.00% 非常珍贵

#15 It's Not In The Game (这不是在玩游戏)

Collect every obnoxious video ad on your computer.
12.30% 非常珍贵

#16 Your Friendly Neighbourhood... (你的友好邻居…)

Execute 10 consecutive grapples without touching the ground. You're like some kind of arachnid-man.
6.10% 非常珍贵

#17 For Science! (为了科学!)

Complete the first set of Science Experiments. Science: It's not just for nerds!
10.20% 非常珍贵

#18 Deleted But Not Forgotten

Read all of the previous explorer's emails. Kinda nosy if you ask me.
9.60% 非常珍贵

#19 Teratomo? Teratomo! (特拉托姆?特拉托姆!)

Re-emerged onto AR-Y 26 after killing Teratomo. Back to work, I suppose!
在杀死特拉托姆后重新出现在AR-Y 26行星上。是不是要重新开始工作了......
8.30% 非常珍贵

#20 No Refunds

Finish the game in under 4 hours. See you at GDQ!
0.80% 极为珍贵

#21 Flippin' the bird

Get launched by a Pufferbird, then kill it.
55.40% 一般

#22 Turdball Wizard (混球法师)

Consecutively bounce on 5 different Springy Egg Sacs. It's like an ethically-iffy bouncy castle!
1.90% 极为珍贵

#23 That's all people really want to do...

Kick 10 Pufferbirds in 30 seconds. It's why you bought the game. We get it.
3.10% 极为珍贵

#24 Au-revoir Gopher! (再见,地鼠!)

Kill 5 Schnozos in 15 seconds. Moles ain't gonna whack themselves.
7.10% 非常珍贵

#25 Scott Norwood in the Hizzy... (Hizzy里的Scott Norwood……)

Kick 25 Pufferbirds and 25 Maroons. It's ok. I don't know who Scott Norwood is either.
踢25只鲀鹦和25只放逐虫。没关系,我也不知道Scott Norwood是谁
1.00% 极为珍贵

#26 What Would You Two Maniacs Like To Do First?

Start a Co-Op game. It must be nice having friends...
13.60% 非常珍贵

#27 He Slimed Me

Got covered in ooey-gooey alien guts.
74.20% 一般

#28 Don't Cross the Streams (不要越界)

Slapped your Co-Op partner. I'm sure you had a good reason for it.
12.90% 非常珍贵

#29 We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass (就像我们看到的,我们来了并狠狠揍了它们)

Crack Cragclaw with a Co-Op partner. Teamwork really does make the dream work.
6.90% 非常珍贵

#30 A Little Help, Please (请帮个小忙)

Revive your Co-Op partner. Let's hope they learn to start pulling their weight.
11.00% 非常珍贵

#31 Stop Crapping On Me, Jessie (别往我身上扣屎盆子,Jessie)

Got pooped on by a Skipper. That's good luck, depending on who you ask. Not me. I think it's gross.
4.10% 极为珍贵

#32 Home At Last

You've returned home after fully completing your mission! You're a hero!
3.50% 极为珍贵

#33 Screw This Noise

You've returned home without fully completing your mission. I'd start looking for new work.
1.00% 极为珍贵

#34 Botanist (植物学家)

Scan all the flora on AR-Y 26!
扫描AR-Y 26 的全部植物群!
1.50% 极为珍贵

#35 Zoologist (动物学家)

Scan all the creatures on AR-Y 26!
扫描所有AR-Y 26的全部生物!
1.60% 极为珍贵

#36 Build It Up (逐步建立)

Gather half the Alien Alloy on AR-Y 26. I'm half-impressed!
收集AR-Y 26上一半的外星合金。半个我被惊到了!
6.80% 非常珍贵

#37 I Want To Go Home. Eventually.

Marked your first fuel pod. Momma, I'm coming home!
26.10% 珍贵

#38 I Feel The Same. I Think?

Unlock the Alien Teleportation System. Beats walking!
44.50% 珍贵

#39 It's Me. But Not Me. But Still Me. (是我,但又不完全是)

Scan your own corpse. Best not to think about it too much...
8.00% 非常珍贵

#40 I Come in Peace (我平平安安地回来了。)

Slap every alien creature at least once. I suppose that counts as "first contact".
0.50% 极为珍贵

#41 Shocking (电击)

Stun 5 creatures simultaneously with Shock Fruit. Stone cold.
0.90% 极为珍贵

#42 Pinball Wizard (弹球法师)

Kill 5 creatures with a single Charged Shot. Because aiming is for chumps!
3.50% 极为珍贵

#43 The Answer is 42 (答案是42)

Fully decrypt and watch the tower origin transmission.
2.00% 极为珍贵

#44 Who Is Teratomo?

Collect and read every Alien Explorer Log.
2.00% 极为珍贵

Old Game Minus

白0 金0 银1 铜1 总2

#45 老遊戲大師

堅持你的獨立性,並在單人遊戲中徹底擊敗 Old Game Minus。
0.10% 极为珍贵

#46 老遊戲聯盟

容忍另一個人足夠長的時間以完全在合作中擊敗 Old Game Minus。
0.10% 极为珍贵

Hot Garbage

白0 金1 银2 铜3 总6

#47 克洛努斯:不插電

拔下 Kronus 並恢復 Kindred 對 DL-C1 的控制
4.00% 极为珍贵

#48 討價還價的寶石

完成整個 DL-C1 Kindex
0.90% 极为珍贵

#49 壓倒性的力量

製作通過探索 DL-C1 解鎖的所有新升級
3.30% 极为珍贵

#50 沿海郵政

1.60% 极为珍贵

#51 走鋼絲

在不接觸地面的情況下飛過 12 個獨特的氣環
0.40% 极为珍贵

#52 完整早餐的一部分

4.90% 极为珍贵