完成度 16/16 | 1月24日首个杯 | 1月24日最后杯 | 30.1分钟总耗时 |
Linger In Shadows™ 白0 金0 银5 铜11 总16 |
#1 Sigil Of Time (时间印记) Freeze and manipulate time in order to force your way through rips in reality. Use it wisely, for it is a power that can overcome great challenges when seeking the light... or chaos.冻结和操纵时间,以此闯入现实的裂缝中。明智地使用它,它是一股在寻找光明……或者混沌时能够克服巨大挑战的力量。
01-24 16:04 |
81.30% 一般 | |
#2 Sigil Of Motion (运动印记) Make the world tremble and the heavens shatter from within the shadows. The power to manipulate your environment has been unveiled and will prove essential in your struggles with nature.从暗影之中让世界颤栗,让天堂破灭。操纵环境的力量已经揭开面纱,在你与自然抗争的时候,它会证明自己必不可少。
01-24 16:04 |
76.60% 一般 | |
#3 Sigil Of Chaos (混沌印记) Chaos inhabits every fiber of the universe. Unleashing this power has obliterated the obstacles before you and will release you into nature.混沌栖息于宇宙的每一根纤维里。解放出这力量清除了障碍,将你释放进自然。
01-24 16:04 |
72.50% 一般 | |
#4 Sigil Of Nature (自然印记) The force of nature has brought odd life to an even more unusual environment. Remember what you have learned here and it may be useful to you in the future.自然力量将古怪的生命体放到了更不寻常的环境里。记住你所看到的一切,将来可能会有用的。
01-24 16:33 |
67.00% 一般 | |
#5 Sigil Of Creation (创生印记) Eyes are the black holes of creatures, vast depths of darkness, but at the center you will find that creation exists everywhere, even when it is nowhere. All that is left is to unleash the light from within the shadow.眼睛是生物的黑洞,包含无垠的黑暗,但是在其中心你会发现创生无处不在,即便是在不毛之地。现在能从阴影中释放的只剩下光明。
01-24 16:33 |
63.60% 一般 | |
#6 Sigil Of Light (光明印记) It is foretold that revealing all 6 sigils will bring about light, and thus the sigils have been uncovered and light has been wrought from the shadow. Use all you have gained and search outside your vision for secrets within the world.预言曾说6个印记的揭示将会带来光明,因此印记被发现,光明也从阴影中产生。用你获得的一切来在你的视野之外寻找世界的秘密。
01-24 16:33 |
61.10% 一般 | |
#7 Greetings To Fairlight (跟Fairlight打招呼) Fairlight is an old group with a lot of members from all over Europe. They've managed to be on top for the past 20 years. Their fresh demo selection has won many different awards for the hi-end machines and also for old-school ones including scene.org awaFairlight是一个老团队,很多成员都是从欧洲来的。他们在过去20年都是顶尖的。他们新鲜的demo选择赢得了很多奖项,从高端机器那样的到老派风格的都有,包括了scene.org的4kb、64kb和demo类的奖项。
01-24 16:33 |
38.10% 珍贵 | |
#8 Greetings To Sunflower (跟Sunflower打招呼) Sunflower is an old group that brought new trends to the demoscene in the beginning of accelerated era. Their demos seem to not suffer from time. This is due to their abstract style and very sophisticated music. The group was formed from very experienceSunflower是一个老团队,他们在这个加速发展的时代开始时为demo场景业界带来了新趋势。他们的demo不因时代而褪色。这是由于他们使用的抽象风格和成熟音乐。这个团队是由经验老道的场景师们组成的,不过Sunflower项目仅仅延续了两年(1999-2001)。我们都希望他们能重磅回归。
01-24 16:33 |
36.30% 珍贵 | |
#9 Greetings To Still (跟Still打招呼) Still is a relatively new group formed by ex-members of Bauknecht, lkcc and "Haujobb". Their first productions were released in 2007 but have already received interest and critical acclaim within the demoscene.Still是一个相对年轻的团队,由Bauknecht、lkcc和Haujobb的前成员组成。他们的第一个作品在2007年才发布,但已经受到了demo场景业界的广泛关注并获得了审慎的赞赏。
01-24 16:34 |
37.30% 珍贵 | |
#10 Greetings To Farbrausch (跟Farbrausch打招呼) Farbrausch is a demogroup famous for using procedural techniques for creating textures, scenes, and animations in their productions. "Werkzeug" which is their demotool, successfully started a new era of tools, separating coders from artists, thus speedingFarbrausch是一个以在其作品中使用过程生成的材质、场景和动画著称的团队。Werkzeug是他们的demo工具,成功地开创了一个新时代,将程序员和艺术家分离,并因此加速作品制作。跟Werkzeug一起推出的还有V2,一个高质量的软件合成器,已经被很多认可其价值的其它团队采用。Farbrausch最有名的作品有Candytron、The produkkt、The Popular Demo和最近发布的Debris。
01-24 16:34 |
33.90% 珍贵 | |
#11 Greetings To The Black Lotus (跟The Black Lotus打招呼) The Black Lotus is an old Amiga group with a very distinctive, monumental style, influencing other groups including Plastic. They've managed to beat 2 Ghz computers with a classic 66 Mhz Amiga and a demo called "Starstruck".The Black Lotus是一个老Amiga电脑团队,有着非常独特的纪念碑式风格,影响了包括Plastic在内的团队。他们用一台主频仅有66MHz的老Amiga电脑和名为Startruck的demo击败了2GHz主频的电脑。
01-24 16:34 |
34.80% 珍贵 | |
#12 Greetings To Conspiracy (跟Conspiracy打招呼) Conspiracy is a Hungarian group that specializes in creating 64-kilobyte intros. As the first group in demoscene history, they've managed to show their real-time production "Chaos Theory" together with other offline, pre-processed animations at SIGGRAPH 2Conspiracy是一个专注于64KB intro的匈牙利团队。作为demo场景业界历史上的第一个团队,他们在SIGGRAPH 2007上展示了他们的实时演算作品Chaos Theory和其他离线预渲染的动画。这个intro也获得了scene.org大奖。
01-24 16:34 |
36.10% 珍贵 | |
#13 Greetings To RGBA (跟RGBA打招呼) RGBA is a Spanish group known mostly for their 64-kilobyte and their recent 4-kilobyte productions. They are also well known for breaking the mold in 4-kilobyte graphics. Plastic is especially dedicated to sending their greetings to RGBA for their remakeRGBA是一个西班牙团队,他们最出名的是64KB作品和最近的4KB作品。他们以在4KB作品中打破常规著称。Plastic团队为了向他们致敬,重制了其195/95 demo。
01-24 16:34 |
34.80% 珍贵 | |
#14 Greetings To MFX (跟MFX打招呼) Mfx demos are known for their distinctive, mostly experimental style, focusing on building a specific dark atmosphere. Even if they prefer the form over content, their demos often visualize a concept or short story. Mfx members can be found also in differMfx的demo以其独特的、甚至可说是实验性的风格著称,专注于构建一种特别的、黑暗的氛围。即便他们重形式超过内容,其作品还是常常带有概念或者短故事的。Mfx的成员也都同时加入了诸如Kewlers或者Synesthetics的其它团队。Mfx获奖很多,包括以名为The Ballet Dancer的demo取得的scene.org的“最原创概念奖”。
01-24 16:34 |
36.50% 珍贵 | |
#15 Greetings To Andromeda Software Development (跟Andromeda Software Development打招呼) Andromeda Software Development is a demogroup with an extremely distinctive style. Their demos featured dynamic coherent flows of abstract visual elements subtly blending into each other in various and unexpected ways. They have won many demoscene awardsAndromeda Software Development是一个风格极其独特的demo团队。他们的demo以连续的抽象视觉元素微妙地以多样、出人意料的方式相互混合为特点。他们获得了很多demo场景业界的奖项,包括以Lifeforce获得的2007年度最佳demo奖,和以Planet Risk获得的2005年度最佳demo奖。
01-24 16:34 |
39.00% 珍贵 | |
#16 Greetings To Madwizards (跟Madwizards打招呼) Madwizards is an old group originating out of Poland best known for their accelerated Amiga productions. They've managed to invent their own abstract style while mixing real-time effects together with still post-processed photography. In their most recentMadwizards是一个发源自波兰的老团队,以加速过的Amiga电脑作品最为出名。他们发明了自己的抽象风格,同时混合了实时效果以及后处理特效。在他们最近的作品Senzala中,回到本源在经典Amiga电脑上开发。
01-24 16:34 |
37.10% 珍贵 |