

白1 金4 银4 铜36 总45 点数1200 6人玩过 极易  83.33%完美


白1 金4 银4 铜36 总45

#1 Neon Soaked Book Worm

The champion of walking and cyber-punk aesthetics.
74.30% 一般

#2 Ajaz Dervilla

Good Morning Class!
83.00% 一般

#3 Alex Kavanah

It’s all about zeros and ones
77.60% 一般

#4 Amy Barnes

Don’t hesitate let’s vaccinate
78.30% 一般

#5 Barry Godfrey

Good old times
83.60% 一般

#6 Binary Breach

Listen to the nightmares of the security wars...
76.30% 一般

#7 Bobby Lynch

Did I give you my card?
78.30% 一般

#8 Celeste Yen

Take a deep breath and feel the scent in your heart
85.60% 一般

#9 Chelsea Laux

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking
77.00% 一般

#10 Dante Xiu

Oh, mighty spiked one! Let us in heaven
77.00% 一般

#11 Derek Hammacker

Press ‘Play’ to start
79.00% 一般

#12 Diana Sozu

This is a no-touching zone
78.60% 一般

#13 Drake Avison

"Vote Drake Avison for a better future"
77.00% 一般

#14 Eddie Idaho

Where is all my money?
88.00% 一般

#15 Elixir Vitae

Read all about the virus...if that's not enough...
77.30% 一般

#16 Faya Oshin

Tonight is the night
78.60% 一般

#17 Geoffrey Larkin

Scalpel! I need the bloody scalpel!
77.30% 一般

#18 Gloria O’riley

Omg this pic is gonna be viral
78.30% 一般

#19 Iria Kerensky

Do you want to meet my friend Toby?
77.30% 一般

#20 Ivan Brodsky

No worries, I know this city like the back of my hand
77.30% 一般

#21 James Ulrich

Don’t forget to separate your recyclable items
78.60% 一般

#22 Jinx Yun-Jai

No, they are not garbage!
79.30% 一般

#23 John Doe

Have we met before?
83.60% 一般

#24 Karla Machesky

Check your wallet
77.60% 一般

#25 Kim Dash

My personal soap-opera
78.00% 一般

#26 Kogo Miko

Can you draw a picture of me?
78.30% 一般

#27 Kova Sanghavi

It’s time to smile again!
85.60% 一般

#28 Lisa Ramirez

Sewer rat taste the same under neon lights...
86.30% 一般

#29 Louie, Margie, Danny

Feeling all alone in a crowded mind
78.30% 一般

#30 Mae Sia

No Karen. Your pet tiger can’t eat vegan food.
78.00% 一般

#31 Mazu Taki

Whatever you need I got it
77.30% 一般

#32 Ness Quadro 14

I want a portable charger
77.60% 一般

#33 Nicole Kawagami

This just in! Watch me while I debunk...
80.00% 一般

#34 Orin Yakomi

Ready to play some dodge ball!
79.00% 一般

#35 Pascal Holtz

I don’t walk, I strut.
84.30% 一般

#36 Rally Nuylnd

Sleeping is for losers anyway…
83.30% 一般

#37 Requiem For Existence...

If only Albert Camus would walk these neon soaked streets...
77.30% 一般

#38 Revolt of the Synthetics...

Don't be afraid of future robots, be afraid of morons...
75.60% 一般

#39 Roy Mallock

Did I check the oven? What if everyone I love dies because I didn’t…
78.00% 一般

#40 Susan Meritt

Sir, yes, sir!
77.00% 一般

#41 Suzie Kaufman

Show its worth, save the earth
77.60% 一般

#42 Tobais Stasny

Stop popping pills like gummy bears
78.00% 一般

#43 Todd Stanshall

Real world? Eaw!
81.60% 一般

#44 Vanya Drayton

Just a high-tech hooker protector
78.30% 一般

#45 Vernon Shuni

I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.
78.60% 一般