Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse: Episode 2

PSV《Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse: Episode 2》中文奖杯列表

白0 金1 银2 铜11 总14 点数315 56人玩过 容易  51.79%完美


完成度 0/14

#11 What Just Happened There?

Saved the world!
69.00% 一般

#12 Local Call

Chilled out to Radio Yorkshire
51.80% 一般

#14 Best buddies

Chatted to the goat
49.20% 珍贵

#1 Order of the Goat

Outwitted the goat
85.70% 一般

#2 Bons Hommes

Found the route the fleeing Cathars took
79.90% 一般

#3 X Marks the Spot

Discovered the hiding place of Tabula Veritatis
77.20% 一般

#4 Hot Wire

Got the cable car working
75.80% 一般

#5 The Truth to the Grave

Found the Tablet of Truth
73.80% 一般

#6 I Call It The Dreamatorium

Won a battle in your own mind
49.30% 珍贵

#7 Gravity Depravity

Got rid of the guards blocking your path
71.00% 一般

#8 Philosophy 101

Persuaded Shears to help you
70.90% 一般

#9 Balance

Have a dream
70.80% 一般

#10 Cry Havoc!

Let slip the goats of war
69.40% 一般

#13 Super-Charged Potpourri Easter Egg

Nearly made Pearl faint with heavenly delight
49.90% 珍贵