完成度 60/60 | 3月18日首个杯 | 3月30日最后杯 | 11.8天总耗时 |
Deadly Premonition 白1 金1 银6 铜52 总60 |
#1 Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Platinum Trophy Zach, it's over, all finished.It's time for you to leave town. Are you ready to go? 结束了,扎克,全都结束了。差不多是时候要离开了,准备好了吗?
03-30 01:23 |
13.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#2 Prologue CLEARED (序章通关) 1 Tips FBI Special AgentFrancis York Morgan. Please, just call me York. 我是FBI特探弗兰西斯 约克 摩根,叫我约克就行
03-19 08:39 |
57.10% 一般 | |
George, the perpetrator is just like you. He's passionate about women. He's a passionate kisser. This was a "kiss of death." 乔治,这个杀人犯跟你很像。他热爱女性与接吻。他是个“死亡吻者”。
03-29 07:15 |
24.70% 珍贵 | |
So Becky is Miss Stiletto Heel. And she gave the locket to the twins... Must be the "special secret" Lilly told us about, Zach. 看来贝奇就是那位细高跟女士。她把火箭筒给了那对双胞胎……看来这与“特殊机密”莉莉的证词一致,扎克。
03-26 13:56 |
23.00% 珍贵 | |
Zach, Diane has become the third victim of our killer. And nada from questioning Nick... Nothing. Got no new leads from questioning Nick. 扎克,戴安娜变成了那个杀手的第三个受害者。而尼克的审讯结果……没有透露出任何新线索。
03-23 21:16 |
21.90% 珍贵 | |
Zach, OK. So it's not bonus footage, it's still part of the main feature. The perpetrator is exactly who I thought it was. 好吧扎克。这不是特典视频,正餐还在继续。犯人正如我所料。
03-23 01:11 |
21.10% 珍贵 | |
Ah, right, he doesn't have a "tattoo" on his back. But there is a "pattern" there. 噢噢,好吧。他的背部的确没有“刺青”,但却有一个“标志”。
03-23 16:17 |
20.90% 珍贵 | |
Zach, I need you to pray with me. Pray that things have not gone too far. All we can do is go to the location written in Kaysen's letter. 一起祈祷吧,扎克。祈祷我们没有赶得太晚。现在我们能做的全部就是马上前往地图上标注的地方
03-26 11:55 |
20.70% 珍贵 | |
My name is York. Me and you, we'll always be together. OK, Zach? I'm you, and you are me. Now, give me your hand. 我的名字是约克。我和你,我们是一起的。明白吗,扎克?我就是你。把你的手给我吧。
03-24 04:26 |
20.50% 珍贵 | |
Then this is goodbye, Zach. Thank you for everything. 这样就结束了,扎克。感谢你。
03-26 23:29 |
20.20% 珍贵 | |
#11 Delivery Man Q Follow up on Becky's friends and find"Delivery Man Q" from Anna's diary. Sneak into the house of someone whose name starts with a Q, find evidence and take it to Becky. 梳洗贝奇的朋友圈,按照安娜的日记寻找“快递员Q”。潜入一家姓名以Q开头的人家,找到证据并盘问贝奇。
03-24 07:02 |
16.40% 珍贵 | |
#12 Guardian of the Art Gallery Diane is hiding something.Find the painting of [The Girl in the Woods] slumbering somewhere in the art gallery and give it to her. She may open up to you. 黛安瞒着我们一些东西。在美术馆里找到《林中少女》的绘画并交给她,说不定她会对你敞开心扉。
03-24 09:46 |
15.70% 珍贵 | |
#13 Memories of Anna Someone is taking walks in Anna'sforest in the early afternoon when the weather is clear. Find this person and hand over the [Out of Focus Picture] from the twins. It could be a new lead! 在天气晴朗的午前,会有人在安娜森林里漫步。找到这个人,出示双胞胎提供的“模糊照片”,说不定能得到新的线索。
03-19 03:41 |
17.10% 珍贵 | |
#14 Lost Arnold George has lost his beloved [Arnold]somewhere in the Sheriff's Office. He can't train without him! Find what he's looking for and get it back to him. Help him get his groove back. 乔治在保安室把他宝贝的“阿诺德”弄丢了。他不能没有他!找到“阿诺德”并交给乔治,他会恢复常态的。
03-23 05:58 |
28.80% 珍贵 | |
#15 Nameless Flower George's mother is sick and so he wantsto get her favorite flower for her. Find the [Flower with No Name] that only blooms in the rain and take it to George when he's at home after 21:00. 乔治的母亲病了,因此他想送给母亲她最喜欢的花。找到那朵仅在雨天开放的“无名花朵”并交给乔治。他晚上九点以后一般都在家。
03-26 15:32 |
17.40% 珍贵 | |
#16 Nice Try Cooking Emily only ever cooks at home onevenings when it is raining. Find the "Fermented Dairy Products" that she needs for her next dish and help her out. 艾米莉只有在下着雨的傍晚才会烹饪。为了帮助她烹饪,找到合适的“发酵的乳制品”并交给她。
03-22 12:38 |
14.80% 非常珍贵 | |
Emily only ever cooks at home on evenings when it is raining. Find the "Vegetables that become sweet when heated" that she needs for her next dish and help her out. 艾米莉只有在下着雨的傍晚才会烹饪。为了帮助她烹饪,找到“一加热就变甜的蔬菜”并交给她。
03-19 05:33 |
14.40% 非常珍贵 | |
Find the "Something chewy and salty" "something soft with two colors" "Yellow Sauce" that Emily needs for her next dish and help her out. 为了帮助艾米莉烹饪,给她找出“咸而有嚼头的东西”、“软而有两种颜色的东西”和“黄酱汁”。
03-27 06:55 |
14.30% 非常珍贵 | |
A customer at the Galaxy of Terror has practically been stalking Carol, causing trouble for her. Drive off this "Unwanted Customer" who comes to the bar after 21:00. 有个在恐怖银河的客人特喜欢去烦卡罗尔,这让她很困扰。赶走这位21:00出现的“不受欢迎的客人”。
03-28 09:10 |
15.20% 珍贵 | |
#20 Periodic Riddle Ushah has been given a "riddle" fromFiona that uses elemental symbols, but has no idea what the answer is. This doesn't seem related to the case... but why not help him find the answer? 阿西亚被菲奥娜出的元素符号题给难住了。虽然这看上去和本案无关……不过还是把答案告诉他吧。
03-23 12:11 |
16.50% 珍贵 | |
#21 Snack for Willie Willie has nabbed a [Bone] uncoveredin the course the investigation. It could be important evidence. Get the [Bone] back from Willie's kennel in the back of Kaysen's car. 维利把搜查过程中获得的“骨头”给拿走了。这可能是重要的证物,从凯森的车子后面的维利的小屋里取回“骨头”。
03-19 05:22 |
19.60% 珍贵 | |
Someone is walking in Anna's forest in the early afternoon, when the weather is clear. Give this person the [Out of Focus Picture]. Let the twins know once you have found out who the "ghost" is. 在天气晴朗的午前,有人会在安娜的树林里漫步。找到那个人并出示“模糊照片”。告知双胞胎你已经知道“幽灵”究竟是什么人了。
03-29 15:32 |
16.90% 珍贵 | |
You'll never catch [Tabatha] with your current fishing rod. Borrow the legendary fishing rod from Jim and try again. [Tabatha] appears near the waterfall only on rainy days. 你的钓竿是钓不到“塔巴莎”的。再去跟吉米借一根传说中的钓竿吧。“塔巴莎”只在下雨天的瀑布旁出现。
03-28 14:43 |
14.90% 非常珍贵 | |
"Cope's Tunnel" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn. Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there. 从牛奶房的吉斯那里买到标记着“克普的隧道”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。
03-27 00:47 |
19.60% 珍贵 | |
"The scene of a railway accident" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn. Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there. 找牛奶房的吉斯,去买到标记着“火车事故现场”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。
03-20 22:51 |
17.50% 珍贵 | |
"The GV Electrical Substation" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn. Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there. 跟牛奶房的吉斯买标记着“GV中央变电所”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。
03-21 15:34 |
15.00% 非常珍贵 | |
Quietly return the [Legendary Guitar Grecotch] to Keith when he is working at the Milk Barn. This could be the start of a lasting friendship. 把“传说中的吉他”偷偷还给正在牛奶房干活的吉斯。这或许会促成一段男子汉的交情。
03-23 13:05 |
15.10% 珍贵 | |
#28 Part Time Job 1 Lilly has given you part-time worktidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around. The Milk Barn is only open when the weather is nice. Lunch break included! 莉莉委托你清理牛奶房的仓库。通过推箱子来清理仓库空间。牛奶房只在天气好的时候营业,还附带免费工作午餐!
03-18 13:55 |
20.40% 珍贵 | |
#29 Part Time Job 2 Lilly has given you more part-time worktidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around. Didn't you take care of this just a short while ago? What are they doing in there? 莉莉给了你更多的让你去牛奶房推箱子腾空间的委托。你不久之前不是才去过吗?他们怎么弄的?
03-25 01:57 |
17.70% 珍贵 | |
#30 Part Time Job 3 Lilly has given you further part-timework tidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around. Honestly, they can't even be trying to keep it tidy in there! 莉莉给了你一大堆牛奶房关于推箱子腾空间的魏国。说真的,他们最好还是放弃弄干净牛奶房这个念头吧。
03-18 05:19 |
16.10% 珍贵 | |
Use the [Key for Closet] obtained from Lilly for your hard work to open the closet in Keith's garage. He should be home in the afternoons on rainy days. 使用帮莉莉干活获得的“柜子钥匙”打开吉斯车库里的柜子。雨天的午后他在家,去拜访他吧。
03-28 05:34 |
15.70% 珍贵 | |
#32 Greenvale Trivia Talk to Harry while he is at home andhe'll give you a quiz on Greenvale. Get three correct answers in a row to clear it. Why not give it a try? 当哈里在家时,与他对话可以参加Greenvale猜谜游戏。连续答对3问就能过关。干嘛不试试?
03-21 13:24 |
15.10% 珍贵 | |
Michael says he had lost a "most precious object" while he was at the diner. Find it and give it back to him. He is at home between 21:00 and 22:30. Talk to him when Harry isn't there. 迈克说他在用餐时丢失了一件“最重要的东西”。帮他找回来吧。他通常21:00到22:30在家。当哈里不在的时候与他对话吧。
03-25 19:25 |
14.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#34 Nick's Letter Nick, in prison, has asked youto take a letter to Olivia for him. She's holed herself up at home, so take the [Letter from Nick] to her. 狱中的尼克请求你帮他给奥莉薇带一封信。奥莉薇正把自己关在家里,把“来自尼克的信”带给她吧。
03-21 21:00 |
17.30% 珍贵 | |
#35 Big Bag Something important is hidden in theDiner's kitchen. Use the [Key to Back Door of Diner] received from Nick to get inside after hours and continue the investigation. 餐厅厨房里藏着什么重要的东西。从尼克那儿取得“餐厅厨房后门的钥匙”,进里面调查
03-27 09:14 |
17.10% 珍贵 | |
Having obtained the [Letter from Olivia] containing her heartfelt feelings, take it to Nick in his holding cell and put his mind at ease. 将写满真心话的“奥利维亚的信”交给拘留所里的尼克,让他放心。
03-29 14:55 |
17.20% 珍贵 | |
Anna's mother Sallie is searching for [Anna's Dress]. Find the dress somewhere in Anna's house and give it to Sallie. 安娜的母亲萨利正在找“安娜的裙子”。到安娜家里找到裙子并交给萨利。
03-28 09:10 |
19.40% 珍贵 | |
#38 Anna's Diary Use [Anna's Key] obtained from herdress to search her room. There must be something out of place in there. Anna's room is on the second floor. 利用从安娜的裙子里找到的钥匙,去调查一下她的房间,里头肯定有什么东西不正常。安娜的房间在二楼
03-20 15:14 |
19.40% 珍贵 | |
#39 Engagement Ring Delivery Man Q is probably Quint.He may well have some important evidence concerning the case. Give Becky's [Engagement Ring] to him and he may tell you the truth. 昆特大概就是那位“快递员Q”。他可能持有本案的重要证据。将贝奇的“订婚戒指”交给他,他可能会告诉你真相
03-22 17:13 |
16.40% 珍贵 | |
#40 Top Rank Use the [Dart Gun] to play thedarts game and defeat Richard's long standing top score. 使用“飞镖枪”来进行飞镖游戏,并打破理查德长年保持的最高纪录。
03-26 22:05 |
17.60% 珍贵 | |
#41 The Beauty Polly has a precious piece of"memorabilia" somewhere in the hotel. Find it and give it to her. Not to be rude, but memory deteriorates with age. You might want to check her room... 宾馆里的某处似乎有波莉的“充满回忆的物品”。找到并交给她。恕我直言,年纪大了记忆力就是不行了。你或许想去查查她的房间……
03-24 17:37 |
20.00% 珍贵 | |
#42 Medical Studies Fiona, in the hospital, has given youa quiz on medical matters. Get three correct answers in a row to clear it. Why not give it a try? 医院里的菲奥娜向你提出医学问题。连续答对3问就能过关。为什么不去试试呢?
03-20 23:47 |
18.60% 珍贵 | |
#43 Special Service Gina, at Heaven & Hell Gas, willperform a special service if you use the carwash a certain number of times. Why not check it out? I wouldn't get your hopes up, though... 当你在天堂地狱加油站洗车达到一定次数之后,吉娜会问你是否需要特殊服务。试试看?不过我不保证那是你所想的那样……
03-21 22:53 |
17.40% 珍贵 | |
Jack, at Heaven & Hell Gas, wants $100 bills. Hey, don't we all? However, if you give him more than $1000 he'll supposedly give you some really big info. For the investigation, then...! 天堂地狱加油站的杰克想跟你要100美元。虽然很不爽,但你如果给他超过1000美元,他会提供非常重要的信息。虽然很不爽……
03-27 04:25 |
17.70% 珍贵 | |
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 8 cards will get you a "small thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00. 熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过8张的话他会给你一个“小小的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。
03-22 20:30 |
18.90% 珍贵 | |
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 16 cards will get you a "moderate thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00. 熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过16张的话他会给你一个“还行的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。
03-25 16:01 |
18.10% 珍贵 | |
#47 Normal Collector Wesley, the owner of the shop PandaBear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 32 cards will get you a "big thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00. 熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过32张的话他会给你一个“愉悦的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。
03-21 10:29 |
16.00% 珍贵 | |
#48 Great Collector Wesley, the owner of the shop PandaBear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 48 cards will get you a "rare thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00. 熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过48张的话他会给你一个“稀有的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。
03-24 10:17 |
14.70% 非常珍贵 | |
#49 Top Collector Wesley, the owner of the shop PandaBear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 64 cards will get you a "super rare thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00. 熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过64张的话他会给你一个“超级稀有的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。
03-21 07:42 |
14.00% 非常珍贵 | |
#50 Low Gear Parts Find the [Low Gear Parts] in theJunk Yard. The General will use it to increase the performance of your car. 在旧货堆里找到“低档配件”。将军将会用它为你改装你的车。
03-20 12:08 |
20.80% 珍贵 | |
#51 High Gear Parts Find the [High Gear Parts] in theJunk Yard. The General will use it to increase the performance of your car. 在旧货堆里找到“高档配件”。将军将会用它为你改装你的车。
03-30 01:23 |
19.30% 珍贵 | |
#52 Gas Tank Parts Find the [Gas Tank Parts] in theJunk Yard. The General will use it to increase the performance of your car. 在旧货堆里找到“油箱配件”。将军将会用它为你改装你的车。
03-28 00:40 |
18.40% 珍贵 | |
#53 York's Car According to Jack your beloved car,wrecked on the mountain road, has been taken to the General's scrap yard. Request its repair and then buy it back. 据杰克说,你的车在山间报废之后,被将军回收到废品堆了。委托他修理并买回它。
03-29 06:05 |
16.30% 珍贵 | |
#54 Cold Pot 1 Sigourney often wanders the town whenthe weather is nice. Having been told that her "pot is getting cold!" you now have to take her home. Driving safely may not cut it this time. 天气好的时候希格尼经常出门溜达。当她说“锅子要凉了!”,你就必须载她回家。安全驾驶恐怕是来不及了。
03-26 14:08 |
19.80% 珍贵 | |
#55 Cold Pot 2 Sigourney often wanders the town whenthe weather is nice. Having been told that her "pot is getting cold!" you now have to take her home. What is she doing with that pot outside anyway? 天气好的时候希格尼经常出门溜达。当她说“锅子要凉了!”,你就必须载她回家。不过她在外头对这个锅子做了什么啊……
03-29 13:26 |
17.90% 珍贵 | |
#56 Cold Pot 3 Sigourney often wanders the town whenthe weather is nice. Having been told that her "pot is getting cold!" you now have to take her home. Why is the pot getting cold such a problem? 天气好的时候希格尼经常出门溜达。当她说“锅子要凉了!”,你就必须载她回家。锅子凉了的话究竟会发生什么?
03-29 04:59 |
16.50% 珍贵 | |
#57 Cold Pot 4 Sigourney often wanders the town whenthe weather is nice. Having been told that her "pot is getting cold!" you now have to take her home. She's just doing this on purpose, isn't she... 天气好的时候希格尼经常出门溜达。当她说“锅子要凉了!”,你就必须载她回家。她该不会是故意的吧……
03-23 23:17 |
15.60% 珍贵 | |
#58 Cold Pot 5 Sigourney often wanders the town whenthe weather is nice. Having been told that her "pot is getting cold!" you now have to take her home. What's the truth behind this pot?! 天气好的时候希格尼经常出门溜达。当她说“锅子要凉了!”,你就必须载她回家。锅子背后隐藏的真相究竟是什么?!
03-29 13:58 |
14.80% 非常珍贵 | |
#59 Seven Bones Wild dogs have been through the grave-yard and now 7 [Bones] are missing. Brian has pretty much demanded that you get them back. Use his marks on the map, find the [Bones] and return them. 墓地被野狗糟蹋过,丢失了七根“骨头”。布莱安十分苦恼,恳求你帮他找回。参考他在地图上的标记,找到“骨头”并交给他。
03-28 10:05 |
17.30% 珍贵 | |
Use the [Key] received from Brian to check out his house. It is an old place in a corner of downtown. There might be something important hidden there... or maybe not. 用布莱安提供的“钥匙”检查他的屋子。这是一间坐落在闹市边缘的屋子。那里面或许藏着什么重要的东西……或者没有。
03-28 23:14 |
17.10% 珍贵 |