Tales of Zestiria 白1 金3 银6 铜40 总50 |
#1 Master of Zestiria (熱情巔峰) This is proof that you've obtained all trophies. We're thrilled you like the game so much, and we hope to meet you again in future titles!獲得所有獎盃的證明。今後也請繼續支持
「Tales of Zestiria」和未來推出的新作品! |
2.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#2 Dawn of the Shepherd (邁向導師之路) This is proof that you've formed the pact and earned the power of the Shepherd. Now your journey and trials really begin!訂下契約,獲得導師之力的證明。
導師的試煉和冒險之旅終於揭開序幕! |
57.70% 一般 | ||
#3 Youth (我們的羈絆) You've been through a lot, but this is proof that you're still on the right track. Or in the right vessel. Or something. Youth can be tumultuous.幾經波折後,終於重修舊好證明。
……但正確來說應該是「進入新的容器」。 青春就該如此多采多姿。 |
48.50% 珍贵 | ||
#4 Trials Overcome (通過試煉) This is proof that you've earned the means to stand up against those whom you must. But beware... Your enemies are more powerful than you can imagine. There's no way to know whether you can triumph without confronting them directly.獲得足以對抗敵人之力的證明。
但敵人十分強大,實際交手過後才能見真章。 |
26.40% 珍贵 | ||
#5 It All Ends Here (決戰的決心) This is proof that you're committed to engaging in the final battle. There's no going back. Onward to the place where it all ends!做好萬全準備,即將邁向決戰的證明。
已無任何一絲迷惘,只管朝目標前進! |
21.10% 珍贵 | ||
#6 Dusk of the Shepherd (邁向導師結局) This is proof that you've witnessed the resolution of this story. Now you can try playing again with various changes to the gameplay, or you might venture into the daunting bonus dungeons.親眼見證故事結局的證明。
可以遊玩第二輪,也可以探索隱藏迷宮。 |
15.90% 珍贵 | ||
#7 In Shreds and Tatters (銜尾之戰) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Falkewin Hillside without using any items! It's a steep challenge, but you've got what it takes!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於弗爾溫丘陵的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! 選擇適合的條件,設法達成目標吧! |
7.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#8 Super Collision Course (衝撞師團) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Glaivend Basin without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於古雷弗坎盆地的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
7.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#9 Fiery Trial (火與蜥蜴的交會) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Igraine, the Shrine of the Fire Trial, without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於試煉遺跡伊格蘭的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
5.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#10 Writhe in Agony (鬥牛之戰) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Morgause, the Shrine of the Earth Trial, without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於試煉遺跡莫格斯的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
5.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#11 Rest Azure'd (六臂強敵) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Lefay, the Shrine of the Water Trial, without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於試煉遺跡勒菲的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
5.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#12 Newcomer Challenge (新面孔) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Guinevere, the Shrine of the Wind Trial, without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於試煉遺跡桂妮薇爾的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
5.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#13 Tear-Soaked Battlefield (潸然淚下) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the second fierce battle at Glaivend Basin without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於古雷弗坎盆地的再次激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
4.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#14 Killing with Kindness (愛、傑出與恩典) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at the Spiritcrest Rayfalke without using any items!用困難以上難度,或在第二輪之後,
於靈峰雷弗克的激戰中,不使用道具擊破敵人! |
3.70% 极为珍贵 | ||
#15 A Non-Specific Tale (神秘二人組) You defeated some sort of people who came from some sort of place using some sort of means. This is some sort of proof of that. Sort of.用某種方法擊破從某個地方來的
某兩個人的某種證明。 |
5.90% 非常珍贵 | ||
#16 A Life of Moderation (第二人生) Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Moderate (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! If you're familiar with the game, why not start your first playthrough in Moderate right away? You'll earn more Grade than in Normal!用進階以上難度,或在第二輪之後,未使用再次挑戰於最終決戰獲勝!
熟悉遊戲的您,不妨在第一輪就嘗試進階難度。 積分獲得量也比普通難度多喔! |
6.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#17 A Life of Struggle (苦難重重的人生) Either on (at least) your 3rd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! If you can't feel alive without the icy glare of death at your back, we recommend you start the game in Hard right away! Playing in Hard o用困難以上難度,或在第三輪之後,未使用再次挑戰於最終決戰獲勝!
若沒有生命危險就感受不到生存價值的人,歡迎選擇此難度開始遊玩。 「雙重技能」只有在困難以上難度才有機會出現! |
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#18 A Life Facing Malice (對抗惡夢折磨的人生) Either on (at least) your 4th playthrough or in Intense (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! Play long enough in Hard to unlock this more challenging difficulty setting.用惡夢以上難度,或在第四輪之後,未使用再次挑戰於最終決戰獲勝!
使用困難難度戰鬥多次後,將解鎖新的難度。 |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#19 A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos (混沌與秩序夾縫中的人生) Either on (at least) your 5th playthrough or in Chaos difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! Play long enough in Intense to unlock this ghastly difficulty setting. It's the only difficulty that offers a chance of obtaining triple-skill equipme用混沌以上難度,或在第五輪之後,未使用再次挑戰於最終決戰獲勝!
使用惡夢難度不斷戰鬥後,將解鎖新的難度。 「三重技能」只有在混沌以上難度才有機會出現! |
3.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#20 No Ordinary Customer (常客) Shop Level will increase when you buy, sell, or fuse equipment at shops. This is proof that you've fist-bumped the invisible hand of capitalism enough to achieve maximum Shop Level. Secret menus unleashed!在武器店購買、出售和融合都能提昇商店階級。
用此方式將任一商店階級昇至MAX的證明。 將會出現許多隱藏項目喔。 |
7.00% 非常珍贵 | ||
#21 36 Challenges (三十六計絕不逃走) This is proof that you've collected all 36 anomalous orbs. You've poked around in every nook and cranny, you've laughed, you've cried, you've questioned your assumptions... But you made it!取得36個異形寶珠的證明。四處探索、深入鑽研……
這是戰勝種種困難,一路過關斬將的證明! |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | ||
#22 An 'undred Herbs (100株藥草) This is proof that you've picked more than 100 herbs. Don't hesitate to use them when your initial SC gets low and you're stranded far from town.採集超過100株藥草的證明。
起始SC降低又無法回到城鎮時,請不要吝於使用。 |
20.70% 珍贵 | ||
#23 Checking Inn (連夜投宿) This is proof that you've stayed at inns for a total of 10 nights. Resting at inns can give you extra skill effects in battle thanks to mysterious ingredients in the meals you're served. You can also engage in chitchat with your companions and restore you總計在旅館投宿10次的證明。
投宿旅館可以透過用餐附加戰鬥時的技能效果, 可以觸發夥伴間的對話,起始SC也會恢復到100,好處多多喔! |
31.20% 珍贵 | ||
#24 Show of Talent (拜師學藝) This is proof that you've honed a certain Support Talent enough to be able to teach it to others at the inn. Those who can, do. Those who can even better, teach!鍛鍊特定支援能力後,在旅館傳授特殊能力的證明。
努力鍛鍊,收個徒弟吧! |
25.50% 珍贵 | ||
#25 Monolith Monomania (石碑的奧妙) This is proof that you've found all the stone monoliths and ruminated on their author. Use the battle actions you've acquired to unleash the ultimate mystic artes!找到所有石碑,追思刻下石碑之人的證明。
用獲得的戰鬥效果施展究極的秘奧義! |
4.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#26 Normin Tamer (諾爾敏好朋友) This is proof that you've found at least 40 normin and convinced them to help out. You're great at making new friends! But remember, there's more to come.找到超過40位諾爾敏,並獲得協助的證明。
結交到許多朋友了,但還有更多喔。 |
11.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#27 Landed Gentry (與此地共進退) This is proof that at least one Lord of the Land has reached Blessing Level 20. Even when they pass to the stars, they find it hard to abandon those over whom they watch. It seems some remnant of their blessing remains even after you finish the game.任一地之主的庇佑等級到達20的證明。
即使成為星星也不忘溫情守護。 遊戲通關後,庇佑好像還會持續一陣子喔。 |
4.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#28 Boss of the G-Union (五聯結) This is proof that you've equipped items that activate a Group Union bonus skill. Each basic skill group has a skill corresponding to each of the five elements. It doesn't matter where on your equipment you have the skills equipped; just equip all five sk在搭配裝備時發現獎勵技能「聯結」,並裝備該裝備的證明。
技能依照類別,具有對應5種屬性的效果。 裝備位置不同也沒關係,只要裝備同一類5種技能, 就能發動「聯結」系的新技能! |
39.40% 珍贵 | ||
#29 Elle Mental Marta (元素相伴) This is proof that you've equipped items that activate an Elemental Union bonus skill. Basic skills all correspond to one of five different elements. Equip skills of the same element that line up directly adjacent to each other, and you'll form an Element在搭配裝備時發現獎勵技能「元素」,並裝備該裝備的證明。
技能分別對應5種不同屬性,依類別排出同屬性技能加以裝備, 就能視連結數量發動「元素」系的獎勵技能! 快確認技能表吧。 |
60.10% 一般 | ||
#30 Stacking the Deck (相連相同) This is proof that you've equipped items that activate a Stack bonus skill. You can get Stack bonuses by equipping more than one copy of the same skill at once. The more copies of that skill you equip, the cooler your Stack bonus will be!在搭配裝備時發現獎勵技能「相同」,並裝備該裝備的證明。
即使是不同的裝備,只要裝備相同技能就能發動新的技能效果! 堆疊越多,就能變化出更多新的效果! |
58.80% 一般 | ||
#31 Having a Blast (相同爆發) This is proof that you've reached the maximum Blast Gauge of 9. You can increase your BG using the Stack 3 bonus skill "Blasst". Coordinate your equipment just right, and you can blast off to new heights.將爆發量表上限增加至9的證明。
爆發量表上限可透過獎勵技能「相同3:爆發」增加。 搭配裝備的好處多到數不清。 |
31.20% 珍贵 | ||
#32 A Knack for Stacks (四人連心其利斷金) This is proof that you've created an item of equipment with the same skill in all four slots. That's at least a Stack 4 bonus skill right there! You can do the Bonus Dance. We won't judge you.打造湊齊四個相同技能的裝備的證明。肯定達到「相同4」以上!
完成的那瞬間做出勝利動作也不會有人笑您的! |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#33 Divine Intervention (天之庇佑) This is proof that you've equipped every skill for a certain element to achieve an E-Union 10 bonus skill. That strange buzzing you hear? It's your enemies quivering in fear.10個同屬性技能並排,達成「元素10」的證明。
用產生的效果壓制強敵吧! |
3.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#34 Sweet 16 (忍術十六影分身) This is proof that you've achieved the Stack 16 bonus skill, the highest echelon of Stack bonuses. Whether this is the end or just the beginning is up to you.達成同名技能最高級的「相同16」的證明。
這裡究竟是終點還是起點,全由您決定。 |
2.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#35 The Blessing Bell (祝福之鐘) This is proof that you've sanctified at least one piece of equipment. A super deal that doubles the effect of the skill in the first slot! Of course, if you're particularly devout, you can also offer this item to the Lord of the Land and secure a more ble打造一個具有祝福銘的裝備的證明。
第一個技能是「雙重技能」,非常有用! 也可以獻給地之主,獲得更美好的未來。 |
10.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#36 A Double Take (雙重魅力) This is proof that you've acquired equipment with a doubled skill from an enemy drop. Very difficult unless you're playing in Hard difficulty or higher! There's a rumor that offering sanctified equipment to a Lord of the Land may increase the chances...透過敵方掉落獲得具有雙倍效果的「雙重技能」的證明。
這可是難度若不在困難以上,幾乎無法發現的好東西喔。 將祝福裝備獻給地之主,或許可以提高機率。 |
5.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#37 Last Stop on the Fusion Train (融合終點站) This is proof that you've acquired a piece of equipment with a +99 modifier. Sanctify it, and a whole new life awaits you. Aim for 9900 fusions! No, wait, that's probably not necessary.打造名稱附帶「+99」的裝備的證明。
若加上祝福銘,想必能夠邁向第二人生。 目標是融合9900次!……雖然想這麼說,但好像不用到這種程度 |
3.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#38 Wishes Transferred (繼承的意念) This is proof that you've reacquired the equipment you carried over from your last playthrough in Lakehaven Heights. Future You is cheering you on, waiting to meet you at the end of the game once more.在瑞克比洛高地順利獲得
上一輪繼承下來的裝備的證明。 希望下一輪的自己能追求更進一步的完美通關。 |
3.70% 极为珍贵 | ||
#39 Talent Management (支援專家) This is proof that you've mastered at least one of the Support Talents. Slow and steady. You can do it. We believe in you.將任一支援能力的熟練度提昇至上限的證明。
慢慢培育吧,不用急! |
31.00% 珍贵 | ||
#40 Making the Grade (積分高手) This is proof that you've received over 50 Grade from one battle. Everyone's amazed that you didn't buckle under the pressure. You've come so far.在一場戰鬥中獲得的積分值超過50的證明。
承受著壓力,終於走到了這一步。 |
21.40% 珍贵 | ||
#41 Dietician's Nightmare (點心滿天下) This is proof that you've prepared all available snacks. "The people in my video game eat nothing but cake all day, so I'm sorry, Doctor, you're full of it."製作過所有能透過「製作點心」做成的道具的證明。
享受過每天吃點心的生活後,記得適當運動、多多運動。 |
3.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#42 I Am the Wind (我乘風而去) This is (WHOOSH) proof that you've attained (NEEEAAAROOOOMMM) maximum speed with the (BEEEOOOWWWWWWWW) Windstepping talent.使用支援能力「乘風而行」達到最高移動速度的證明。
謝謝你今天也為我們帶來速度!下次還要再來喔! |
33.80% 珍贵 | ||
#43 Micromanager (多重憑依者) This is proof that you've fought many battles while controlling many characters. You can take it slow by changing characters in the Top Menu, but if you want to kick it into high gear, there are battle actions that let you switch in battle on the fly!操作許多角色經歷許多場戰鬥的證明。
悠閒派可以開啟選單更換角色, 但也有能即時變換角色的戰鬥效果供急性派選擇! |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#44 Chatterbox (我是閒聊迷) Sometimes, after you've found a discovery point or when you're at a save point, you have the opportunity to push SELECT to initiate a conversation between your companions. This is proof that you've experienced many Things and had a lot of Opinions about t找到探索點後,還有接觸保存點的時候,
按下L3按鈕可以欣賞可能與情境有關的特殊對話。 這是觸發許多對話,喜歡聊天的證明。 |
7.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#45 The Item Collector (道具收集家) This is proof that you've collected a great many items, most of which are equipment. The core concept of equipment is the combination of stat boosts and embedded skills. Items you initially dismissed might in fact hold the key to defeating the most formid收集許多道具,正確來說是收集許多裝備的證明。
裝備的技能和搭配方式比原本的能力值重要。 也許能擊敗強敵的王牌,就是最出乎意料的那個裝備喔! |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | ||
#46 Cruisin' for a Bruisin' (擊破數百強敵) This is proof that you've battled a wide swath of enemies. By the way, the more of the same enemy you defeat, the more likely that enemy becomes to drop equipment with skills attached. Time for some population control!遭遇過許多不同敵人的證明。
附帶一提,打倒越多同名的敵人, 該敵人掉落裝備也越容易附加技能。努力討伐吧! |
15.40% 珍贵 | ||
#47 Bookwyrm (資料庫博士) This is proof that you've become quite familiar with the Library. How to obtain this is kind of a secret, but if you take the time to do a bit of reading now and then, you should be pleasantly surprised.仔細閱覽資料庫的證明。
獲得方式暫且保密,不過,只要常常去看, 想必能在不知不覺中獲得。 |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#48 Eight Dates With Hate (八勇士) This is proof that you've returned alive from challenging all eight Malevolent Crucibles. Since each one only allows certain characters to enter, you'll need mastery of techniques and knowledge for each one of them.挑戰沉睡在各地的8個『汙穢的熔爐』並全身而退的證明。
參與挑戰的角色是固定的, 或許需要操作各角色的技術與知識。 |
6.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#49 The Sky's the Limit (無盡的強者) This is proof that you've completed all the extra dungeons at difficulty level Normal or above. But further challengers await you, in places you've been and places you have yet to be.用普通以上難度通過所有隱藏迷宮的證明。
更強的強敵就在今後即將挑戰,或是曾經挑戰過的那個地方等您。 |
3.90% 极为珍贵 | ||
#50 Bested the Worst (擊敗超越最強的最強霸者) This is proof that you've defeated a certain powered-up "someone". Nothing more can be said, nor does it need to be.用困難以上難度擊敗強化過後的「某個敵人」的證明。
想必一切盡在不言中吧。 |
2.70% 极为珍贵 |
Another Story: Alisha 白0 金1 银2 铜3 总6 |
#51 The Squire's Pact Renewed (第二次從士契約) The squire's pact you'd remembered so fondly is enacted again.What kind of journey will await you this time? 再次締結熟悉的從士契約。
這次將要面對的是什麼樣的旅程呢? |
7.40% 非常珍贵 | ||
#52 Severing the Bonds of the Past (第二次師徒對決) The time, place, and opponent are different, but the same score hasbeen settled again. This is proof of your efforts. 時間、地點與對手更迭,
再次挑戰決鬥的證明。 |
6.90% 非常珍贵 | ||
#53 Reencounter with Karma (第二次命運相遇) It wasn't quite what you'd expected, was it? Nevertheless, this provesyou survived a certain battle. 雖然鋒頭被搶盡,
但仍戰勝某場決戰的證明。 |
5.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#54 The Dynamic Duo (並肩作戰的兩人) Proof that you've cleared Naraku in the Malevolent Crucible.You and your partner make quite a team! 稱霸汙穢的熔爐・奈洛的證明。
兩人合作無間。 |
5.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#55 The Speedy Duo (速戰速決的兩人) Proof that you've cleared Naraku in the Malevolent Crucible in ashort amount of time. You speed demon, you! 短時間稱霸汙穢的熔爐・奈洛的證明。
動作迅雷不及掩耳。 |
2.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#56 The Eleventh Duo (兩人身影如同11) Proof that you've cleared Naraku in the Malevolent Crucible 11 times.稱霸汙穢的熔爐・奈洛11次的證明。
2.50% 极为珍贵 |