完成度 10/48 | 7月27日首个杯 | 7月30日最后杯 | 4天总耗时 |
Dead Star™ 白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 |
#1 Lord of the Wastes (废料之主) Earn all available trophies for Dead Star."Look upon my works and weep." 获得死星的全部奖杯。
“看着我的丰功伟业而暗自垂泪” |
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#2 Fresh Meat (鲜肉) 1 Tips Complete the Loadout, Piloting, and Conquest tutorials."Welcome to The Wastes." 完成装机、试航以及征服的教程。
“欢迎来到废土” |
07-27 00:10 |
34.60% 珍贵 | |
#3 Killer (杀手) Kill an enemy player."The first of many." 杀死一名敌对玩家。
“千里之行始于足下” |
07-27 19:01 |
24.00% 珍贵 | |
#4 Reaper (开膛手) Kill 100 enemy players."And you shall know me by the trail of dead." 杀死100名敌对玩家。
“而你应从死亡的轨迹中认识我” |
2.70% 极为珍贵 | ||
#5 Blood God (血神) Kill 500 enemy players."I am death incarnate." 杀死500名敌对玩家。
“我是死亡的化身” |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#6 En Fuego (起火) 2 Tips Get a Kill Streak of 5."I figure I could keep doing this all day." 达成5连杀。
“我发现我能干这事一整天” |
5.60% 非常珍贵 | ||
#7 Untouchable (无法触及) Get a Kill Streak of 10."I reckon if you want to keep dying, I'll oblige." 达成10连杀。
“如果你想一直死,我乐意效劳” |
1.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#8 Accomplice (共犯) Assist in 100 enemy kills."A good friend will help you move. A great friend will help you move a body." 达成100次助攻击杀。
“一个好朋友会帮助你。一个绝佳的朋友会帮助你运屍” |
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#9 Trigger Jockey (扳机骑手) 2 Tips Reach Ship Level 10 in a match."Now I know what all these buttons do." 在一场比赛中舰艇等级达到10级。
“我现在知道这些按钮是干啥的了” |
07-28 19:40 |
8.90% 非常珍贵 | |
#10 Inmate (囚犯) 1 Tips Reach Pilot Level 10."Pretty soon, I’ll run this whole joint." 飞行员等级达到10级。
“很快的,我将会封王称霸” |
3.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#11 Lifer (无期徒刑) Reach Pilot Level 50."Ain't nobody tougher than me." 飞行员等级达到50级。
“没有任何人比我更强韧” |
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#12 Quick Shot McGee (快枪麦基) 1 Tips Earn the first kill in a match."Y'all too slow. Also yer dead." 在一场比赛中取得首杀。
“你太慢了。而且死了” |
5.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#13 Dominator (统治者) Earn the Domination Tactical Action."No mercy for the weak." 获得制压战术行动。
“弱者无须怜悯” |
8.30% 非常珍贵 | ||
#14 Grave Digger (掘墓者) Earn the Payback Tactical Action."If I die, I'm sure as hell taking you with me." 获得报复战术行动。
“如果我死了,我会拖你一起下地狱” |
5.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#15 Commander (指挥官) 1 Tips Earn Assault, Defense, Shutdown, and Conquest Tactical Actions in a single match."You see all this? This is MINE." 在单场比赛中获得突击、防守、停机和征服战术行动。
“看到这一切没有? 都 是 我 的 ” |
3.80% 极为珍贵 | ||
#16 Big Fish (要角) 1 Tips Finish a match on the winning team."Guess there's a new sheriff in town. A sheriff of killin' idiots like you." 以胜利队伍之姿完成比赛。
“我猜现在镇上来了个新警长,专门杀你这种傻子来的” |
07-27 19:01 |
19.90% 珍贵 | |
#17 Biggest Fish (王牌要角) 1 Tips Finish a match on the winning team 50 times."There ain't another in the 'verse as good as me." 以胜利队伍之姿赢得比赛50次。
“宇宙中没人比我更强” |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#18 Skull Crusher (碎颅者) 3 Tips Earn a Decisive Victory."We don't just win, we crush skulls." 获得一次“决定性胜利”。
“我们不只是赢,我们粉碎头骨” |
07-28 19:44 |
7.10% 非常珍贵 | |
#19 Soul Eater (噬魂) Earn 10 Decisive Victories."We don't just win, we eat souls." 获得10次“决定性胜利”。
“我们不只是赢,我们吞噬灵魂” |
0.40% 极为珍贵 | ||
#20 Claim Jumper (非法占用) Upgrade Outposts with 10000 Ore."So where do you want me to put all this stuff?" 以10000矿石升级哨站。
“所以你要我把这些材料放在哪里?” |
2.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#21 New Homeowner (新屋主) Capture an Outpost."Them last folks ain't getting their security deposit back." 占领一座哨站。
“他们最後的住民也没能取回保证金” |
07-30 23:39 |
21.90% 珍贵 | |
#22 Control Freak (控制狂) 1 Tips Capture 50 Outposts."I am the master of all I survey." 占领50座哨站。
“我所见、我统治” |
1.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#23 Ender of Things (万物终结者) 1 Tips Destroy a home base in Conquest mode."The last thing they'll see is my smiling face." 在征服模式中摧毁一座基地。
“他们会见到的最後一样东西就是我的笑脸” |
1.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#24 Red Leader (赤色领袖) Earn 2000 Kill / Assists points in a single match."I don't plan on leaving a single one'a them still breathin'." 在单场比赛中获得2000击杀 / 助攻分数。
“我不打算放过任何一个还有呼吸的人” |
2.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#25 Tactician (谋略家) 2 Tips Earn 2000 Tactical Action points in a single match."Everyone has a plan until they get a rocket in the face." 在单场比赛中获得2000战术行动点数。
“在火箭冲他们脸上之前他们都很有想法” |
3.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#26 Handyman (杂工) Earn 2000 Outpost Upgrades points in a single match."You get all the glory, but I make this heap WORK." 在单场比赛中获得2000哨站升级点数。
“你手揽一切荣耀,而我让这堆破烂变得有用” |
4.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#27 Junkyard Dog (废料犬) Earn 2000 Guardian Scrap points in a single match."That's one more for the scrap heap." 在单场比赛中获得2000守护者废料点数。
“这个也是废料堆的” |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#28 Team Player (团队合作玩家) Earn 2000 Match Bonus points in a single match."It was a team effort. Mostly." 在单场比赛中获得2000额外赛事点数。
“通常啦,这是团队努力的结果” |
2.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#29 Ace (王牌) Earn every Ace Pilot Reward."I am the pilot king, I can do anything." 获得每一个王牌飞行员奖励。
“我是飞行员之王,我无所不能” |
1.40% 极为珍贵 | ||
#30 Big Game Hunter (大宗猎人) Destroy a Capital Ship Structure."Harvest the best, scrap the rest." 摧毁一个主力船舰结构。
“收获最好的,报废剩下的” |
2.40% 极为珍贵 | ||
#31 Giant Killer (巨人杀手) Destroy a Capital Ship."The bigger they are the harder they fall." 摧毁一艘主力舰。
“它们越大,摔的越重” |
1.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#32 Contract Runner (契约履行者) 1 Tips Successfully complete a Capital Ship Escape Run as the Contract Owner."Best in the 'verse, guaranteed." 以合约人身份成功完成一次“主力舰逃脱行动”。
“是宇宙中最好的,我保证” |
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#33 Dead Eye (死眼) Kill 100 enemy players with the Marksman."No need to rush, I brought enough missiles for everyone." 驾驶神射手(Marksman)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“别急,我给大家带了够多的飞弹” |
0.50% 极为珍贵 | ||
#34 Alpha Dog (阿尔法狗) Kill 100 enemy players with the Bulldog."I can kill you up close or a mile away. Your choice." 驾驶斗犬(Bulldog)杀死100名敌方玩家
“我能取你性命於一线之间或千里之外,你选一个” |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#35 Annihilator (歼灭者) 1 Tips Kill 100 enemy players with the Vindicator."I love to watch them burn." 驾驶维和轰炸机(Vindicator)杀死100名敌方玩家
“我喜欢看着他们燃烧” |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#36 Close Shave (千钧一发) Kill 100 enemy players with the Razor."Anyone else want a slice? I'm buying." 驾驶剃刀(Razor)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“还有谁要餐刀?我买” |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#37 Sneaky McSneakerson (鬼祟的Mc鬼森) Kill 100 enemy players with the Stalker."They never see it coming." 驾驶循迹者(Stalker)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“他们永远不会看见它前来” |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#38 Kill Shot (杀戮射击) Kill 100 enemy players with the Leviathan."One shot, one kill." 驾驶利维坦(Leviathan)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“一枪一个” |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#39 Bug Zapper (灭虫器) Kill 100 enemy players with the Herald."I am shocked. Shocked that they lived that long." 驾驶预示者(Herald)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“我很惊讶,惊讶他们怎么能活那么久” |
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#40 Overseer (监工) Kill 100 enemy players with the Warden."Look at me, all up in yer business." 驾驶典狱长(Warden)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“看着我,我吃定你了” |
0.30% 极为珍贵 | ||
#41 Hanging Judge (铁面判官) Kill 100 enemy players with the Justicar."Judge. Jury. And my favorite...Executioner." 驾驶公正(Justicar)杀死100名敌方玩家。
“审判、陪审,还有我的最爱…处刑” |
0.70% 极为珍贵 | ||
#42 Certified Pilot (认证飞行员) Fly any ship for 10 hours."Fly all night, don't stop 'til your eyes bleed." 航行任意船舰10小时。
“整夜飞,直到你双眼流血” |
0.60% 极为珍贵 | ||
#43 Constructor (建造者) 1 Tips Craft a component in the Recycler."What does this button do?" 在回收站打造零件。
“这个按钮是干麻的?” |
07-30 23:35 |
7.40% 非常珍贵 | |
#44 Shapeshifter (变形者) Finish a match with a non-default pilot portrait."Smile for the camera." 使用非默认的飞行员头像完成一场比赛。
“对镜头笑一个” |
07-28 19:44 |
7.30% 非常珍贵 | |
#45 Modder (船体改造师) 1 Tips Augment a ship."What the hell's a samoflange?" 强化一艘船舰。
“这samoflange是什么鬼东西!” |
07-28 19:38 |
10.50% 非常珍贵 | |
#46 Gear Head (高级技师) 1 Tips Fully Augment a ship system."Now we're cooking with gas. Space gas." 完整强化船舰系统。
“现在我们用瓦斯煮饭,太空瓦斯” |
0.20% 极为珍贵 | ||
#47 Chrome King (铬王) Reach Augment Level 25 on a single ship."She's shiny and fast and runs like hellfire." 单体船舰达到强化等级25级。
“她闪闪发光且快如狱火” |
0.10% 极为珍贵 | ||
#48 Fresh Coat (新衣) Finish a match with a non-default paint style."I may not know much about art, but I know what I like!" 以非默认的机身彩绘完成一场比赛。
“我或许不懂艺术,但是我懂我喜欢什么!” |
07-27 19:44 |
10.10% 非常珍贵 |