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微博   微信 2021-01-17 16:31     1个回答
  • 本条答案已被采纳 zilongwangying
    Glamorous Fantasy - Unlocked by getting AAA on A Damsel in Distress.
    Don't overheat the turret and get lots of headshots.

    Night Walker - Unlocked by getting AAA on Time Cursed.
    Complete without killing anything, you can light the lantern surrounded by tentacles without killing them and dash through the ones that block the bridge. Best done with full health and the Healing upgrade, there is a crate with blood and health down the right path.

    Scarlett the Witch - Unlocked by getting AAA rank on Weight Limit.

    Mika from Outer Space - Unlocked by getting AAA rank on Gift of the Moon.
    Complete without killing anything and without getting stunned by the flying enemies.
    2021-01-17 17:29修改
    •    2021-01-17 18:48 回复 ikarusfly  @zilongwangying 嗯嗯,谢谢。我刚才也看到steam社区的攻略了,说是4套一共8750w元,现在钱已经刷够可以解了。另外那个问题你了解吗?
    •    2021-01-17 22:41 回复 层主  @ikarusfly 外服的dlc好像不能用。港版的是中英文合版,外服的都是单语音字幕版。既然这游戏本体就可以白金,我觉得没必要买dlc,就为了和一个妹子啪啪啪,没必要。这款游戏其实最恶心最耗时最无聊的就是和妹子送礼然后啪啪啪。
    •    2021-01-18 19:25 回复 ikarusfly  @zilongwangying 主要是我比较想玩那个DLC,不知道会不会有某个服务器的DLC没下架,版本也和港服共通。
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