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微博   微信 2021-04-09 23:15     3个回答 PSN
  • 存档满了吧,上限1000个,不是1000个游戏,有的游戏可能会有几十个
    2021-04-11 18:49
    •    2021-04-11 19:53 回复 shigure_uk  @mercer_y 不是,ps4存档容量直接不显示,错误代码np1030284,回家补个图
  • 本条答案已被采纳 fremont_hk

    PS4 Cloud Saves on PS5 error?
    So I'm trying to access my PS4 cloud saves and keep getting an error NP-103028-4. I can't find anything about it online so I was wondering if anybody else has gotten it when trying to access their PS4 cloud saves?

    Update: I rebooted my system and it began to work. No need to factory reset my console.

    Worked for me too when I had the exact same problem today, restart of my system and it worked again without the need for a factory restart. Thanks!
    2021-04-12 10:49
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