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《Sir Lovelot》洛夫洛特爵士奖杯帮助

微博   微信 2021-07-22 00:21     1个回答
  • 本条答案已被采纳 forskere
    是Ye olde stash这个奖杯吗?
    The secret treasure can be found in “Level 9” of world 1. As you spawn, head left and keep hugging the right wall. A secret area will reveal. Head past the ancient tree onto the next area. Climb down the secret ladder and pick up the secret treasure. Head back up and continue towards the right for another shortcut.

    The first secret Treasure can be found in level 9. Right at the beginning of the level, head left and jump down to the cliff while keeping close to the wall to find a secret passage.
    Now proceed right until you see 2 towers in the background.

    Here, In the middle of the area, you can see a little orange object: stop there and go down to discover a stair with a secret room with the Treasure inside (you can also hear a money sound).
    2021-07-22 16:28
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