已采纳 forskere 的答案
《哈利波特与死亡圣器 Part 2》挑战模式全金牌
Gold standard is the rating below platinum so pay no attention to the first time. Here is a video guide for the challenges.
The times needed for gold for each challenge:
Gringotts: 9:30
The Streets of Hogsmeade: 9:00
A Problem of Security: 4:00
The Basilisk Fang: 12:30
A Job to Do: 7:00
A Giant Problem: 4:00
The Lost Diadem: 3:30
The Battle of Hogwarts: 9:30
Surrender: 3:00
A Turn of Events: 3:30
Not my Daughter: 7:40
Voldemort’s Last Stand: 3:30
As you can see the challenges are basically time trials of the story levels. Some levels have bits cut out but most of them are the full level. Use Impedimenta (Double tap B But) throughout the challenges except for the 'The Baslisk Fang' level where it's best to use Confringo throughout. The only challenge I struggled with was challenge 7 the trick is to Apparate towards the guys where you need to make the junk fall on them. If you do this they should just run away and you don't have to knock the objects down on to them to proceed. Challenge 8 is also an annoyance simply take it slow and use impedimenta throughout and you should be okay. On the outside part I found it best to run out and then back in again and then defeat the enemies from inside. You can do the challenges in any order and as long as you get gold or better on all of them this will unlock.Accuracy: The higher your accuracy the lower your time will be. So if you have 79% accuracy, you will get 79 seconds off of your overall time.
Time: If you die, time gets added to the clock. One death/knockdown will add 10 seconds onto the clock.
Spell Combos: This is when you use one spell and then another to take down an enemy wizard. One spell combo will take 5 seconds off the clock, so make sure to use them often.
Quick Stuns: Every quick stuns take 2 seconds off the clock. You can perform a quick stun by running up to an enemy and using your shield before they use a spell. The shield is great for close combat.-
mr_smallzhan @forskere 谢谢,已经不用了,我已经拿到了,给你白嫖吧
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