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《寂静岭2》在水中 结局怎么打
我是在一周目玛丽亚互动拉满的情况以上操作能出水中结局,但是死活不出离开结局,所以二周目补了离开结局 -
Maria +1 actions:
Lab Maria Room (return once for new dialogue in the labyrinth?)
Hospital Lying Maria Interaction
Maria\'s Interactions (for all optional interactions, lab, hospital etc?)
Maria Redirections Comments >= 7 (technically this is actually -1 Leave, -1 In Water, but that\'s the same as +1 Maria)
Interact All At Heaven\'s Night (examine everything i guess)
Scarlet Egg
Ripe Apple
Coin puzzle - Woman Coin
GallowPuzzle James Representation (maybe means of you pick a criminal representing James. In the original there were 3 tablets that representated them, think they are still here, just have a clue on them i think, maybe they hint which criminal noose is for who)
Maria -1 actions: (technically some of these are +1 Leave, +1 Water, but that\'s the same as -1 Maria):
Listen to Sick Bed Convo
Rust Egg
Rotten Apple
MariaRecievedDamage >= 50
Mary Item Investigations >= 3
GallowPuzzle Eddie or Angela Representation (maybe means of you pick a criminal representing each of these characters. In the original there were 3 tablets that representated them, think they are still here, just have a clue on them i think, maybe they hint which criminal noose is for who)
In Water +1 actions:
StompDeadEnemies > 30 (not sure if you can stomp a single enemy 30 times or if must be 30 different enemies)
Kill > 350 enemies
Hotel Killed All Defenseless Enemies (there are 3 enemies at the end of the game i think this refers to)
Pyramid Head Outcome Forced (think this means if you force defeat him by combat)
Angela Knife Investigations > 2
Neely\'s Bar Message
Coin puzzle - Man Coin
Bad Health > 100.00 (maybe critical health for 100 minutes, or 100 seconds or something else?)
Leave +1 actions:
ExcessHealing >= 600 (when you heal more than you need)
Kill <= 150 enemies
Pyramid Head Outcome Fight Denied (think this means if you wait to defeat him without combat as the fight is on a timer)
Coin puzzle - Snake Coin-
littlebigpig10 @da_tie_gun_zi 我觉得那个硬币很关键,玛丽亚就要选女人,攻略没人说
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