已采纳 watarasejyun 的答案


微博   微信 2016-07-06 23:50     9个回答 old
  • 本条答案已被采纳 watarasejyun
    The style rating is based on the variety of moves you've used throughout the level and you can get hit/die. However to get this trophy all you need to use is 5/6 of each techniques throughout the level:

    5x Wrath of Aarbrons
    5x Counters
    5x Blocks
    5x Special moves
    5x Throws
    5x Stuns
    5x Rage Chains

    Therefore the easiest way to get this trophy is to load up the first level on normal so you can use the restarting trick if necessary. Simply use each of the techniques listed up to 5 times and you should be fine. Once you finish the level and get an "A", then the trophy will pop.
    2016-07-07 00:03
  • @watarasejyun 非常感谢!永远和这个游戏说byebye了!
    2016-07-07 01:36
  • 正在考虑要不要入
    2016-07-07 01:50
  • @zhangzong8598 千万,千万,千万不要
    2016-07-07 01:53
  • 啥游戏?!
    2016-07-07 03:39修改
  • @avger17 很一般的游戏,不需要知道野兽之影
    2016-07-07 07:02
  • @crashboom1019 我也入坑了...请教一下,这个游戏的多结局触发条件是什么,如野兽的未来,饶恕马图斯,阿波隆的未来还有瑞昆这四个结局,多谢了,后悔没有早点看到你的提醒....
    2016-08-25 09:16
  • @aurorepolaire 完美通过每个关卡自然会解锁,祝你早日受苦结束
    2016-08-31 01:08
  • 野兽之影实际上是之前某个平台上的游戏的重制版,难度就是这么坑爹的,反正我玩简单也是被虐得不行。而且这种模式感觉挺坑爹的。
    2016-08-31 09:22