@igrune 能说下是哪个么?
0:13 Amnesia?
2:10 Bentley's Lab
3:24 The Murray Demlition
5:26 Paris Escape
7:02 Turning Japanese
8:16 Estupido Rata
9:30 No No Bad Kitten
10:32 Go West Young Raccoon
11:43 Framed
13:11 TimeNapped
15:13 Blind Jump
16:02 Clan of the Cave Raccoon
17:40 Large and in charge
19:40 You choppy
21:00 New found Respect
22:02 Of mice and mechs
23:06 The time is now
24:18 Shellshocked Heart
25:01 Recycled Trash
26:12 Forty Thieves
27:36 Noise Pollution
29:16 Hold...That...Blimp!
30:20 Family Misfortunes
31:55 Whire Is Sly?
34:05 Credits, Ending Credits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHEC3WSSO70p.s. 你可以发psn消息问的,虽然没有qq方便,不过还是比回帖要好