@kurori- 打哥布林的时候也可以不射死任何一只,过关画面会有不同
savagez_cn 2015-12-31 22:46
@savagez_cn 是的,会影响後续二章的剧情
kurori- 2015-12-31 23:58
@kurori- 快点去写第二章
snake_jecht 2016-01-01 06:23
@snake_jecht 最近要先把其他游戏的攻略写完,密使的攻略我可能会放到後面才写,抱歉!
kurori- 2016-01-01 11:24
karidert555 2016-01-01 23:58修改
国王的恩赐,可以看作是英雄无敌的一个好玩mod。 虽然两者没什么关系
luhan9103 2016-01-02 17:14
@luhan9103 看错了……不是的
luhan9103 2016-01-02 17:16
@kurori- 第二章怎么都没办法救出所有人
savagez_cn 2016-01-05 16:31
@savagez_cn 这一步好像五天都要作对事情才行
kurori- 2016-01-05 23:24
但是这个流程牺牲了独角兽,蘑菇上的最后一张page of brain拿不到,还有筷子(可以打开三层藤蔓处的柜子)也用不上……好希望完美通关啊
savagez_cn 2016-01-06 14:05修改
@kurori- 我现在就困惑于第二天的最后选择上和第三天的流程上如何还能再优化一下。显然三楼顶部的柜子里能做些文章的,而且筷子肯定不止这一个用处
savagez_cn 2016-01-06 16:37
@savagez_cn 我找到了英文的救出所有人攻略,我自己还没看,要转载过来么?
kurori- 2016-01-06 16:55
@kurori- 好啊我看一下么么哒
savagez_cn 2016-01-06 23:39
@savagez_cn Mr. Fancycakes不算村民可以不管他
Day 1: Clean the 4 cobwebs and talk to every villager. You will be forced to sleep.

Day 2: Eat the meat you are given. Lower the 2 drawbridges infront of the caves. Retrieve the frog and obtain a fly. Obtain the pea from under the mattresses by tuning the music player to a lullaby. Grab the frying pan sword and give it to Amaya having her hit the coin goblin, you will be forced to sleep.

Day 3: Go buy the cure all from the merchant and give it to Bramble then feed the potion makers the meat. Give them the fly and use the growth potion on the vines on the 3rd floor. Sleep.

Day 4: Eat the meat. Open all 3 bolts on the contraption in your room and climb down to retrieve a gold coin. Climb the vines you used the growth potion on the previous day and grab the coin. Go to the Cinderella scene and use the growth potion where the shoe fell. Take the rose down to the potion makers and leave it in the water cauldron in their room. Sleep.

Day 5: Buy the porridge with 2 gold coins and give it to the potion makers so they are at full health. Give them the pea and the rose to obtain the bomb. Go to the Cinderella scene and retrieve the shoe and give it to the goblin with a broom. Use the bomb on the fireplace and retrieve the bolt cutters. Free the potion makers with the bolt cutters.
kurori- 2016-01-07 03:25修改
@kurori- 这个解法还没有我现在摸索出来的好……
savagez_cn 2016-01-07 06:16
@savagez_cn 这个是奖杯攻略来着,应该可以跳杯
kurori- 2016-01-07 06:58
@kurori- 还是有独角兽相关奖杯和厨子的毒馅饼奖杯没有
savagez_cn 2016-01-07 09:00
@savagez_cn Medicinal Majesty
Healed Bramble.
Give the cure-all potion to Bramble.

The Lost Unicorn
Reunited two best friends.
Give the cure-all to Mr. Fancycakes and then give him back to the Merchant.

kurori- 2016-01-07 10:59
@kurori- 现在心一横开两个档了……一个解开独角兽的两个奖杯,另一个正在摸索怎么样把厨子救出解开最后一个毒馅饼奖杯……
savagez_cn 2016-01-07 13:35修改
@savagez_cn  A Royal Pain in the Rear
Tummy troubles

You need to have given Bramble the cure-all and follow their quests. They will ask for flour which is behind the locked chef door and then a root which is found on top of the area after you climb the vine. They will make poisoned baking and after the cut scene with the goblins you will pick up one, go back to your room and eat it.

kurori- 2016-01-07 13:30修改
@kurori- hmmmmm……我看明白了……原来我少了一步……回家练习解奖杯……解通了之后告诉你心得吧
savagez_cn 2016-01-07 13:38
@kurori- 搞定了,回头整理两个不犯错最优流程出来(全救出路线和独角兽路线)

savagez_cn 2016-01-07 17:28修改
@savagez_cn 人人有权限的
kurori- 2016-01-07 21:17
@savagez_cn 出吧出吧 我支持你 嘿嘿
snake_jecht 2016-01-07 22:45
@kurori- 找到发帖入口了,我整理一下文章先
savagez_cn 2016-01-07 22:57
zws945 2016-01-08 02:31
savagez_cn 2016-01-09 08:05修改
@kurori- 怎么改文章tag?
savagez_cn 2016-01-09 08:15
@savagez_cn 管理员会帮忙改,如果你在该游戏的奖杯列表下发帖就会自动加上
kurori- 2016-01-09 12:45
nilymax 2016-02-02 12:58
@kurori- 按照你的攻略,帽子那个奖杯没拿到,我看别人说餐桌那里要先看信,害的我还得重新打一遍
cyuhexiao 2016-02-14 23:14
@cyuhexiao ...请问你在说哪个?
kurori- 2016-02-14 23:20
好详细 简直厉害
dsz1993 2016-04-11 21:30
@kurori- 感谢腿神的攻略 跟着无脑就第一章100%了
fffanpei 2016-07-05 11:05
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