育碧的制作人JasonParadise表示“我们的目标是为我们的粉丝提供最好的「孤岛惊魂」体验。为了能带来最佳的石器时代生活的体验和提供给玩家基于「孤岛惊魂」 特色的强烈游戏体验意味着我们不得不重新确立核心循环,这确切的不是一个很小的任务。我们需要将这个当做最优先。因此,在游戏最初阶段我们就下了一个非常艰难的选择——把我们的努力全部融入单人游戏体验中”
[Ubi] JasonParadise [开发者]
Correct. We are focusing entirely on creating the best possible Far Cry experience for our fans. Bringing the Stone Age to life and providing players with a strong gameplay experience based off of the Far Cry legacy meant we had to reinvent our core gameplay loop. This was definitely not a small undertaking. Our focus was on delivering this fantasy which required clear priorities for the team. Therefore, in the early stages of the project, we made the difficult choice of focusing our efforts on the single player experience.
渣翻:watarasejyun 转载注明XD
PS:四级勉强过的渣英文 看着好辛苦Orz