改完坦克操作后建议马上重开New game再玩
- Use the red buttons on the sides of the room to raise the anchors.
- Now drop the left hand side anchor by pressing the red button on the left again.
- Go over to the levers on the left of the room and interact with them. Choose the right arrow to move the ship.
- Exit and go over to the red button on the right hand side and drop the right anchor.
- Press it again to lift up the anchor, which will have caught the other sides anchor as well.
- You may have to use the opposite arrow to move the ship, depending on where it starts but the idea is quite simple, drop one sides anchor, move the boat to the other side then drop the opposite anchor so they cross and you can lift them with the second anchor.
- Go to the round window and use your scythe on the anchors to link it over the window.
- Go to the left hand side red button and press it to draw in the anchor.
- Go to the levers and press it down to break away from the other half of the boat for a cutscene.
- Save your game.