@barneyup 再问下,乐高的dlc,港版和美版的能通用吗?
I have to highly disagree. My son and I were playing this last night, and we had an absolute blast!! As an adult, I would personally give it a 7.5-8.0. I don't think it has any business being rated in the 6's. Just my opinion. The game is gorgeous in its own right, and the controls are nice and tight, like good Lego games before it. I think this is a lackluster review.(我墙裂反对!我和我儿子昨天晚上玩了,简直好玩得炸裂!!我个人觉得应该给到7-8分,真心没有打6.X分的道理!!这游戏超赞,而且跟之前的乐高游戏一样的操作和手感,我觉得这个评分有黑幕。。。)
Terrible review. Doesn't go in depth at all.(辣鸡评分,根本就没仔细玩)
yup this game is definetly not a 6.7. I agree its an 8 at least(嗯这游戏绝对不止6.7分,我同意至少8分)
What bad review don't listen to the bullshit this site is this is the last time I come here for a review ign sucks. ppl don't go by this review please don't it makes no sense the game is at least a 8 not a 6.7 I'm so disappointed.(这算什么狗屁评分!!简直就是在扯淡!!再也不上IGN看评分了!!!辣鸡!!!大家不要相信这个评分啊!!没理由那么低分才6.7,至少应该是8分吧!!太失望了!!!)