刷超杀和协助攻击(指定场景中带“?”的盒子,特定角色随机捡到对应协助角色发生动画)——推荐Kids Next Door第二节或者Samurai Jack第三节
刷钱购买——刷钻石:Battle Mode——Custom Mode——时间设定10分钟,利用1P打2P获得钻石
Samurai’s Journey
Defeat Aku boss using Jack without dying
Defeat Aku boss using Jack without dying
用Samurai Jack不死一次打败Aku boss【Samurai Jack必须做最后一击】
It’s Hero Time!
Win the Bellwood fight in story mode with Ben or Young Ben in under a minute
Win the Bellwood fight in story mode with Ben or Young Ben in under a minute
1分钟内完成BEN 10第一节
Win the Toadblatt’s level in story mode with Grim in under two minutes
Win the Toadblatt’s level in story mode with Grim in under two minutes
Like a Hoss
Win the Endsville Cemetery level in story mode with Hoss Delgado without dying
Win the Endsville Cemetery level in story mode with Hoss Delgado without dying
只能用Hoss Delgado【需要购买开启】在死神关的第三节杀全部10个僵尸
Win the first Flapjack Pier level in story mode with Flapjack and K’nuckles in under three minutes
Win the first Flapjack Pier level in story mode with Flapjack and K’nuckles in under three minutes
What Does This Button Do?
Activate DeeDee’s assist while fighting against Dexter
Activate DeeDee’s assist while fighting against Dexter
AH-ha-ha! AH-ha-HA ha-ha!
Activate Mandark’s assist while fighting against Dexter
Activate Mandark’s assist while fighting against Dexter
Dial M for Monkey
Win ten fights as Monkey in his alternate costume
Win ten fights as Monkey in his alternate costume
对战:Monkey用第5套衣服在Dexter's LAB关卡赢10场
Ninjas Beat Pirates
Win a fight as Jack in his alternate costume with Flapjack and K’nuckles as opponents
Win a fight as Jack in his alternate costume with Flapjack and K’nuckles as opponents
Meet My Beautiful Wife
Activate Scotsman's PTE and Peppermint Larry’s Assist in the same fight
Activate Scotsman's PTE and Peppermint Larry’s Assist in the same fight
Go Mac Go
Win ten fights as Mac and Bloo in their alternate costumes
Win ten fights as Mac and Bloo in their alternate costumes
对战:Mac and Bloo用第5套衣服在Foster's Home关卡赢10场
S.E.C.T.O.R. V.
Complete Kids Next Door Platforming in under five minutes
Complete Kids Next Door Platforming in under five minutes
五分钟内完成Kids Next Door第一节
Father is Number One
Win five fights as Father with Numbuh One as an opponent
Win five fights as Father with Numbuh One as an opponent
对战:Father用第5套衣服赢5场,对手必须是Numbuh One
Not Powerpuff, Rowdyruff!
Win a fight with each Powerpuff in alternate costume against a Powerpuff in normal outfit
Win a fight with each Powerpuff in alternate costume against a Powerpuff in normal outfit
The power is yours!
Score three simultaneous knockouts using Captain Planet’s PTE
Score three simultaneous knockouts using Captain Planet’s PTE
行星队长Captain Planet’s超必杀技杀3人
Disco Fever
Score two consecutive knockouts using Captain Planet’s synergy assist
Score two consecutive knockouts using Captain Planet’s synergy assist
行星队长Captain Planet’s协助攻击杀2人