《Persona 5》是《女神异闻录》系列的最新作品。《女神异闻录》系列是以现代日本城镇为游戏舞台背景,让玩家一边体验校园、友情与爱情等日常生活,同时面对不可思议的流言与都市传说等超自然现象事件的青少年角色扮演系列游戏。
Arcade Archives Kiki Kaikai
PS4 — Digital (Out 9/14)
Kiki Kaikai 是一个 Taito 于 1986年发售的动作游戏。玩家控制小夜 - 一个年轻的神社的少女,为了拯救被绑架的七福神对付怪物的战斗。这个游戏包含了日版和海外版。
生化奇兵 收藏版
PS4 — Digital, Retail
《生化奇兵 收藏版》是《生化奇兵》系列的合集作品。这部合集包含3部《生化奇兵》的游戏本体,以及全部DLC,但是并没有《生化奇兵2》的多人模式。另外游戏还包含一部导演注释,叫做「幻想《生化奇兵》」,来自游戏的导演和首席美工。游戏的前两部作品是经过重制登陆次世代主机的,而《生化奇兵 无限》则还是原版。
丧尸围城 三重包
PS4 — Digital (Original Dead Rising at Retail)
饥荒 Together 主机版
PS4 — Digital
Hot Shots Tennis (PS2)
PS4 — Digital
PS4 — Digital
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death
PS Vita — Digital, Retail
First, the winds stopped. Then, birds vanished from the skies. Finally, the sun set… and an eternal night fell upon the world. It’s up to you and your mechanical Guardians, whose individual parts can be customized, to make your way through the four tower mazes and set things in motion again in this challenging dungeon-crawling RPG!
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)
The kingdom is being swallowed by the Shine Raid, a destructive wall of light! But forget about saving the king, forget about saving the townsfolk — a true hero is one who lives to save the day, so you better keep moving! Leave dinky dungeons behind to explore an infinite number of procedurally generated worlds, each with their own unique terrain, traps, and treasure.
NASCAR Heat Evolution
PS4 — Digital, Retail
《热力纳斯卡 进化》是由Monster Studios制作的一款竞速赛车游戏。这款游戏将会让玩家们体验到不一样的赛车竞技感,不管你是专业是赛车游戏玩家,还是业余的爱好者,对与这款游戏而言都会没有太大的区别,因为它会带给你们一个最贴近真实的赛车体验,游戏中将收录无数的顶尖选手、车队以及环境的真实还原,让玩家们感受到不一样的赛车传奇。
NBA 2K17
PS4, PS3 — Digital, Retail (Out 9/16)
在打破销售记录的《NBA 2K16》之后,NBA 2K系列将继续用《NBA 2K17》巩固其最具权威的体育电子游戏地位。作为「所有体育电子游戏的追求」,《NBA 2K17》会将游戏提升到新的高度,并进一步打破游戏和现实的壁垒。
NHL 17
PS4 — Digital, Retail
Shape your legacy in NHL 17, the biggest and most exciting EA Sports NHL game to date. Own every zone with more end-to-end control with authentic goalies, all-new net battles for offensive and defensive zone play, and new goal celebrations that capture the excitement of scoring the biggest goals. Live your hockey fantasy.
PS4 — Digital
《吃豆人冠军版2》是由Bandai Namco制作并发行的一款益智类游戏。本作新增了3D立体关卡以及追逐敌人的新技能和超大的BOSS战,同时连锁吃豆和积分模式也在本作中回归。
PS4, PS3 — Digital, Retail
本作基于「Control Reality」的概念,提升初触球和传球等的操作性。还有追加可供设定“Tiki-taka”(密集短传)或“Gegenpress”(压迫性反击)等战术的「Concept Arrange」,重新采用攻守等级调整,对人对战攻防较劲意味更加浓厚。
心理测量者 无可选择的幸福
PS4, PS Vita — Digital, Retail
《心理测量者 无可选择的幸福》是人气动画《心理测量者》的游戏化作品,游戏将登陆XboxOne平台并对应Kinect及Xbox SmartGlass。本作的角色会对玩家的真实动作产生反应,搭载了运用智能手机对游戏内角色输送数据的机能,让玩家们能够感受别样的游戏体验。
PS4 — Digital
Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax
PS4 — Digital (Out 9/12)
Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is an engaging one to four-player couch co-op action game, combining SHMUP and Brawler-like gameplay with light RPG elements. Choose from different game modes, gameplay settings, mechs, weapons, and upgrades to customize your experience freely. Soar through space, defeat evil and save the future… from itself!
Unholy Heights
PS4 — Digital
Hell is too boring, so the Devil transforms himself into a monster apartment slum lord! Unholy Heights combines Tower Defense and Apartment Management to create uniquely fun and addictive gameplay. As the Devil, you have two ambitions: collect millions in rent and breed a monstrous legion of fearsome beasts! Unleash your monsters on the human adventurers and evict them with extreme prejudice!
Worlds of Magic: Planar Conquest
PS4 — Digital (Out 9/14)
Become the supreme sorcerer! Explore and conquer an almost limitless number of uniquely generated universes using military and magical power to overcome your foes. Find cities, raise armies, cast spells, and create powerful magical artifacts in your bid to become the Supreme Sorcerer Lord in Worlds of Magic: Planar Conquest, a 4X turn-based strategy game.
From.PS Blog
@igrune 我不了解这个游戏!
@strbro 我也记得不是,之前访谈说levine主要提供想法吧。并且根据翻译,如果是一个人,不应该提两遍名字,应该是翻译过程中贴错名字了吧。
@kousakatooru 当天才会上架
@barneyup MC最后一章几号出?
@whiteriver087 13,今天晚上11点左右好像就会有
@reborn566 不会有了吧
@barneyup 美服还是没上啊 好像ios更新了
@whiteriver087 是啊,昨天等了一宿都没上。。估计在今晚吧那就。。因为MC官方twitter上说的是13号全平台更新。。
@supc0der 我也是 买了日服 又入了实体