

Bell 1/6 (35,20)
Go to the Disorder portal at 47,29. To reach the hidden room, use the portal and move 3 rooms to the left and 2 rooms up afterwards. The hidden path is on a small ledge in the upper right corner. You can reach it in ball form () by jumping from the platform in the middle.
Bell 2/6 (0,7)
Go to the Disorder portal at 0,0. To reach it, go to 4,0 first. Grab the green power up and wait for another green power up to spawn, then use your green power up () and grab the second one. Fly towards the left and when your green power up loses its power, quickly activate your second green power up. Now move to the left again and get to the ledge on the left. You don’t have to reach the ledge with the power up, you can go in the water on the left and turn into a ball to reach the ledge, the enemy won’t electrocute you. Now just keep walking to the left to reach the portal. To reach the hidden room, use the portal and move down 1 room, go 1 room to the right and 1 room down. Stand on the platform in the middle and turn into a ball. There’s a hidden path in the left corner. It can be tricky to hit with the ball.
Bell 3/6 (8,20)
Go to the Disorder portal at 0,29. To reach it, go to 0,24. Stand on the path where you can move to a room on your right. Don’t go there though, you’ll have to drop down on the very first ledge on the right. There’s a hidden path on the right of it. Go through it and go all the way down. To reach the hidden room, use the portal and go up 2 rooms. The hidden path is on the right pillar, on the left of it. Go climb the wall on the left and turn into a ball, use your speed boost and aim towards the pillar. Turn back to Mi at maximum height when close to the pillar.
Bell 4/6 (33,5)
Go to the Disorder portal at 42,17. To reach the hidden room, use the portal and go up 2 rooms. At the second room, don’t let go of the wall you used to get there. The hidden path is at the very end of this wall on your left, against the ceiling from the left path.
The following 2 bells don’t require the Disorder.
Bell 5/6 (6,1)
Go to 11,0. Below you is an area called Utopioca. You’ll have to use this area to reach the last bell. Before you can do so however, you’ll need 2 items first, else you can’t reach it. These items are:
Owl Mask
Find the Yoga Monster (pink squid) somewhere in Utopioca. Talk to him, than turn into a ball and talk to him again to receive it.
Use the Utopioca entrance at 11,0. Drop all the way down and you should get transported to 34,11. From there go to 33,12 and start the quest there. You’ll be able to find the Wheel above you, at 33,11.
Once you’ve gotten these items, go to 11,0. Go down once and move all the way to the left to the bell.
Bell 6/6 (22,16)
For the last bell you actually need to talk to the Bell Guard. Don’t worry, you don’t pay him anything. He just requires all 5 other bells to be rang first. Once he opens the door, move to the last bell and ring it for the Chapter 3 ending and the trophy.
其中,(39,17)需要完成两个任务才能开门拿到物品Night Sphere:(懒得翻译了)
Malie’s first quest can be found at 36,18.
Malie’s second quest can be found at 29,20.
To reach this quest, go to 29,19. Stand on the button to power up the timer and to deactivate the green wall. Now quickly go to the room on your left. Grab the blue power up, turn into a ball () and jump to the wall on the left. Now use the blue power up (
) to reach the white power up. Once you’ve obtained the white power up, go back to where you came from to destroy the enemy with the white power up.
Sun Triangle
Go to the Disorder portal at 1,11. Go down 1 room and go 1 room to your left afterwards. There’s a path down to the next room. Don’t enter it, but stand on the left of it. Turn into a ball () and use your speed boost (
) to find the hidden path on the upper left of the room.
Moon Triangle
Go to the Disorder portal at 42,17. Go 1 room to the right. There’s a tower in the middle. Go stand on the right side of the tower. Either climb the tower or turn into a ball (), to reach the hidden path on the 3rd ledge on the right.
Day Sphere
Go to the Disorder portal at 22,1. Climb the pillar on your left. Turn into a ball () and jump towards the small block hanging from the ceiling on your right. Jump to the second block and to the wall next to it and climb up to reach the hidden path.
Night Sphere
Go to the Disorder portal at 24,29. On the left there are a few blocks on the ground. The hidden path is between the small gap.
Once all these items have been placed in the hidden Disorder rooms, go to 42,13 (as mentioned above) and pick up the Enigma which has spawned there. Now ring all the 6 bells (or just the last one if you've done Shortcut Genius already). The secret ending will start after the normal ending.


1.Credits里的两个奖杯攻略法不在正篇故事里(Knytt Stories和Tobias Chilli两个杯);
3.Dance in the sky和Fireworks杯,在第二章结束后的插曲关里;
4.Heroic Dance杯;