Registered Voter
先装备一下小光环的那个帽子,然后选择地图Starbase ARC赢一场比赛即可,直接调一球制胜没有bot速刷
Brave the Elements
在Wasteland、Aquadome、Starbase ARC这三个地图分别赢一次,因为有上一个奖杯的缘故,所以只需要刷前两个地图就可以,依旧是一球制胜没有bot
Damage Control
Full Course
Buckminster x10
Panels are the hexagonal tiles you can see on the floor of the arenas. Damaging 320 panels seems a grind but it is short and sweet if you use the 'power up' technique mentioned above. In fact it's highly recommended you do this. Use the same game settings for the other DLC trophies but put the timer to 'Unlimited'. This will allow you to consistently keep destroying tiles without running out of time.
The best way to quickly get this done is to 'power up' the ball using the method listed under the Full Course trophy or in the video below. Now hit the ball numerous times into your own half until it reaches stage 2 then letting it bounce into your opponent's half, as this will allow you to hit or destroy 10 or more tiles in one go and save you time in the long run.
Alternatively, you can use the mutator method listed under Full Course. Once you have destroyed 320 panels, the trophy will pop.
Important notes:
When going for this trophy specifically, it's best to start a separate match and set the Goal Reset option to "1 second". This is because you will quickly run out of tiles and also run the risk of the game ceasing to recognise any damage you do.
Make sure to disable the Rumble Mutators beforehand as these will negate any damage you deal when using them.
Leaving a match when the timer is set to unlimited, will reset all stats earned for that session so therefore it is best to do this in a single sitting.