7.99(PS+), 9.99 $
港服上架时间未知, 下周为欧美服.
老版本将会被下架, 以前购买过的人不受影响.
新版本含有一套更好获得的奖杯列表. (这现在都成卖点了orz)
另外, 来感受一下开发组的恶意.
“‘Retro City Rampage: DX’ will be a free update for owners of the original ‘RCR’ on PC/Steam/Humble Store.
The PC and upcoming Mac versions are Cross Buy. The Mac version will be available for free to all who purchase or have purchased the PC version, and vice versa.”
“‘Retro City Rampage: DX’ will be a free update for owners of the original version on Xbox 360, with all the HD bells and whistles!”
“‘Retro City Rampage: DX’ will be a free update for owners of the original version on WiiWare.”