PS4 SDK 2.0释出,带来众多新功能

微博   微信 2014-11-26 10:01编辑     9评论



功能改进:Shareplay更像是“小时候在朋友家体验游戏”这样的东西;share factory定位为ps4上的视频编辑软件;除了分享到facebook还能分享到youtube(这两个网站根本就不存在好吗)。



话说xbox one的新sdk大幅提升了叉盒的机能,让xbox one从被ps4打得抬不起头来变成了被ps4打得微微抬起了头(我也不知道我在说什么),希望ps4这次的sdk给力吧~


The PS4 has recently updated its SDK to 2.0, and this brings in many new features and specs which are here to keep the gamers as well as the devs happy.

The devs now get many new tech features which are here for their benefit. They are listed as follows:

Shareplay: Themes, ShareFactory and YouTube upload introduced. They explained the concept and logic behind these three – shareplay was more of a ‘when i was a kid i experienced games at my friends house’ thing while share factory was explained as a video editing application on the PS4.

The YouTube share application was there as an additional option to share as they already had the ‘share to facebook’ option.

Image Recognition: LibDepth and Vision Library introduced. Image recognition and tracking features have been introduced with this new update, and the PS4’s CPU processing is expected to go down, to combat that, the libDepth has been introduced which tackles this problem and brings down the processing time to only 1.5 milliseconds.

Which is 1/10th of a 60FPS frame. The libDepth also helps generate the distance information from the camera, and improves the performance in the dark. It also introduces a ‘hand tracker’ which identifies where the users hands are. It also improves facial recognition by a huge extent.

libFace, libHand and libSmart are introduced. libSmart talks about image over a planar body and acquires its position and orientation.

AR Dynamic Lighting:There have been many improvements in the AR dynamic lighting that was introduced a short while ago. It helps to detect the intensity, color and position and allows the PS4 to create a natural AR image instead of horrible ones that look odd due to bad lighting.

Special equipment such as probe and gyro are not used. Simple algorithms have been introduced this time.

There are many more updates and the PS4 SDK v2.0 looks to be solid and going good as gold. We see the future to be quite good for the console.
prophet10032 2014-11-26 09:31
polarisal 2014-11-26 09:36
@polarisal  貌似bug很多啊,现在的游戏质量怎么感觉反而不如以前了,都在赶工期么
wackwood 2014-11-26 09:44
@polarisal 销量提升的主因是盒子大降50刀,黑五更是有两游戏+金会员年卡版330,而sony的两游戏bundle版还是400
tomasli 2014-11-26 09:45
@tomasli 士官长也卖的不错,首周就轻松破百万了,还有最近出的一个xone独占日暮城狂欢的口碑也相当不错
polarisal 2014-11-26 09:49
@wackwood 有些bug感觉是系统层面和游戏之间的问题,之前很多人反映更新系统之后游戏有出现闪退跳出的情况。
polarisal 2014-11-26 09:51
@polarisal 微软的年末主打游戏,卖不出微软都难混了被ps4逼得,必须发力~
@lovely1ing 你可以周一前盯着美亚,走转运。美亚不一定最便宜,但也差不哪去
tomasli 2014-11-26 10:25
我想说摄像头根本没用好么,敢出个sports champion ps4版么……
zichuan 2014-11-26 14:35