
@Haluka-ATS 肿么艾特不上。。。

@liu_song DLC奖杯是单机奖杯 只需要买个地图然后用奈栗子发个必杀而已

@snake_jecht 这个我懂的~我这不是不想买么...想有个有地图的基友,联机一下~我进去放个必杀~嘿嘿,蹭一下,有次联机进过这个地图,可惜当时没选对应角色,坑了

@liu_song 话说当年我咋没想到这方法dlc白买了

@liu_song 我买这个场境,欢迎大家约战。

@w_e_i_g_e_s 哇哈哈~太棒啦!等我约你,亲!么么哒!

@liu_song 这个方法是解不了这个奖杯的,必须自己买才可以解。我把psnprofiles上的tips贴给你看
You CANNOT earn this trophy under the following circumstance:
1. Playing it online with a friend or someone else in a match that has the stage purchased, but you don't. Even if you use Nariko and perform her Level 3, the trophy won't pop up unless you own the stage.
You CANNOT earn this trophy under the following circumstance:
1. Playing it online with a friend or someone else in a match that has the stage purchased, but you don't. Even if you use Nariko and perform her Level 3, the trophy won't pop up unless you own the stage.

@fantasy_hx 新年快乐!其实我也苦手,靠点运气才拿的不死奖杯那个

@weil51 我哭。。。这么悲惨的结局,你为啥要告诉我,就不能给我一个愉快的奢求,我哭。。。

@liu_song 防止你开开心心联机去,伤伤心心回家来
